18*. Threat

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The fact that I was furious might be an understatement. I was beyond furious right now. I knew something was suspicious the moment he told me that we were going to meet Violet. I knew Violet would never rat me out, Vincent was the reason she was suffering right now. My poor bestie sacrificed herself for me and I'll not let her sacrifice go in vain.

I am going to take revenge on him but not now, here in the club he's at an advantage. I'll show him how much of a brat I can be when he'll not expect it. Just wait and watch Master Vincent, you'll regret messing with me and my bestie. I struggled to get away from him but his grip on me was way too strong.

"Stay still."

"Fuck you! How can you do this?! Why would you punish my poor bestie when she was just trying to defend me?!"

He chuckled, he had the audacity to chuckle. I swear to god I want to punch him right now even though I know he'll never let me do it.

"You and your poor bestie need to understand that disrespecting your Doms will only get you in trouble."

"Doms and their dumbass rules!"

I didn't realise I had said that out so loud because everyone including Master Felix was looking at me as if I had grown horns on my head. Next I know, I was lifted and bend over Master Vincent's knee in a second. I was too shocked by the sudden action that I couldn't even utter a word before his hand came raining down on my ass. The filmsy fabric of the robe wasn't doing anything to protect my ass from his torment. I cried out loud when he spanked my sit spot.

"Owww!! Fuck! It hurts!"

"You should know better than to behave like a brat in front of everyone. I will not tolerate this disrespect from you. Am I making myself clear Lilian?"

Fuck! The way he says my name makes me go crazy. My eyes were full of tears threatening to spill over my cheeks. I nodded at him meekly trying to hide them.

"Proper words Lilian!"

"Yes—Yes I understand Sir. I will not disrespect you again..."

In your dreams asshole. I'd watch my back if I was you. If you think I am obeying you like a meek puppy right now, it's because you have me upside down sizzling my ass and nothing else. Just wait till I think of a way to get back at you!!

"Please let me up...."

"You've lost that privilege. Now you'll watch the rest of the session being upside down or I'll seriously put you up on the stage with your bestie."

Ahhhh!!!! I am so mad right now. My ass is stinging from the spanking and now I have to suffer from the embarrassment of being upside down in front of everyone. I was going to push him harder when suddenly someone's phone rang. Mobile phones or any electronic devices were not allowed in the club except of club masters.  Apparently it was of Master Vincent, he tightened his hold on my waist and picked up the phone.

"I'll call you later if it isn't urge—

I felt him tense as soon as those words left his mouth. He didn't say anything and I wondered if he had cut the call. But the next moment he was letting me up and and standing abruptly, the phone still by his ear.

"I need to go."

Those were his only words as he rushed back upstairs leaving me standing like a fool. I was unable to understand what just happened. Apparently I was not the only one shocked or confused by his behaviour. Master Felix also saw him leaving just now. He looked at me with worry as I stood there thinking.

"Lily, upstairs, right now."

"But he—

"UPSTAIRS. RIGHT NOW! Violet will be there with you shortly."

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