17*. Collar?

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"Let's go."


"In the club. As much as I want to punish you right now, there's something more interesting going on downstairs tonight so we need to go."

"But-but I don't have any clothes to wear at the club. I-I mean I came here just in a tank top and shorts."

"So? You are not going to wear anything anyways."

Her eyes went wide as soon as I said that. Lilian didn't seem very fond of being naked in public and her reaction expressed that clearly. I had checked her limits list and it was a hard limit, I just wanted to check if she would tell me the truth. I wasn't going to force her if she really did not wanted to be naked but I sure was going to test her limits.

"Sir-Sir, I can't—

"Is that a hard limit?"


She hesitated. I could see her trying to make a decision of whether to lie to me or accept that it is a hard limit just like everyone has one. Lilian is really struggling when it comes to showing weakness. She's unwilling to show any type of weakness to others and that is why she goes out of the way to do something even if she despises it. I need to get rid of this habit of hers because when it comes to her limits, this is really dangerous.

"I asked you a question sub. Is it a hard limit?"

"Yes Sir."

My heart filled with pride at her answer. She was learning, even though slowly but she was learning to establish her boundaries without thinking less of herself.

"Good girl. Next time, I don't want you to hesitate before answering. Your limits are and will always be respected when you are with me sugar. Having hard limits or using your safe word when you have reached your limits doesn't make you a coward. It makes you brave as you had enough courage to say that. Understand?"

"Yes Sir."

"Brava ragazza."
(Good girl.)

She went upstairs to borrow a robe from Violet's wardrobe and came down wearing it. Whenever I see her, I completely forget why I shouldn't be doing this. The world outside ceases to exist when I am with her and it scares me. The effect she has on me scares me. I came here today with the intention of talking to her, to possibly limit our interactions as much as possible and what am I doing? Thinking of ways to punish her again. What the fuck is wrong with you Vincent?!! I need to stop this before I seriously loose my mind.

"Is this okay?"

She asked me and I came out of my thoughts. I nodded at her and went downstairs. Felix and Violet were ofcourse not in the office and I knew where they were. Actually we were going there only, Lilian's poor bestfriend was going to get punished. And well Master Felix being Master Felix is going to make it a lesson worth remembering.

"Where are we going?"

"The dungeon, to see your bestfriend."

"Why are we going to see Violet?"

"Well you'll find out soon enough."

She looked confused and I smiled internally knowing why we were going there. Before going to the dungeons, I made a stop at the bar where Master Elliot was busy serving drinks with his trainees.

"Master Vincent, what can I get you?"

"One temporary collar please and a leash will also be great."

"Ofcourse. Rain, get a temporary collar and a matching leash for Master Vincent."

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