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Present Day (Club Edge, Milan)


From the way Violet was looking here and there, I could sense that she wanted to say something to me but was hesitant.

"Out with it."

She looked at me with wide eyes before averting them from me and starting fidgeting with her dress. I grabbed her hands to stop her and gently pulled her towards me.

"Stop with the fidgeting and tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours."

"I-I didn't like how you-you just sent Lily with a random stranger. I-I think it's wrong...."

I guessed this is what was bothering her from that frown on her face. She thinks that I have punished her best friend for no reason. What she doesn't know is that stranger isn't a stranger but Vincent.

"And why do you think like that?"

"Because-because who knows he might be lying and-and he's a newbie, we should trust Lily!"

"Did you not hear me say that's he's the new Master here at Edge?"

"But-but how?! You can't just do that he just—

"Are you telling me what I can do and can't do slave?"

The way her eyes went wide and she sucked in a deep breath was worth calling her my slave out loud for the first time. I was not someone who gave unnecessary importance to labels or what relationships were called. I liked calling Violet with numerous affectionate names but seeing her reaction to the word 'slave' had a very strong effect on me.

"I didn't mean that, I-I just care for Lily."

"And so do I. That is why I want to ask you that do you really think that I would hand any submissive to a random person and that too for a punishment."

"No Master."

"Then why the doubt amore?"

"Its-its just because I've never seen that person before in the club and we don't know him—

"You are wrong kitten, you know Master Agosti because he is none other than Master Vincent, one of my closest friend and Master at Club Bliss. Does it ring a bell now??"

"Master Vincent....Do you mean the Master which punished Lily the first time we met in London?!"

"The same one."

"Oh my God! That's why I thought that I heard his voice somewhere. He had a mask on that night, we never knew how he looked like. Does Lily know this?"

"I am not sure but I can assure you that she is completely safe with him."

"I trust you master, it's just that I am a lil bit too protective when it comes to Lily."

"I know amore."

"I am sorry Sir."

"You are forgiven. Now let's go because I have another surprise waiting for you."

"What?! Another one? I am really getting spoiled today."

"Yes because you are my spoiled brat."

"I am not!"

"Yes you are and get moving before I decide to spank you for this."

"Not fair! You are mean."

Not thinking about anything else, I just scooped her in my arms as she struggled to hold my shoulders.

"Felix! Let me down! I am gonna fall."

"I've picked you up for more than ten times now. I will not let you fall brat."

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