19. Betrayed

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I was restless. My heart was beating at an abnormal rate and my mind was a mess. I didn't know what I should do to make this restlessness disappear. Even though I was tempted more than a few times to call Felix, I stopped myself from doing so. I'll probably disturb them in whatever important thing that made Vincent leave unannounced and that's not good.

Felix has told me to wait patiently and care for Violet, I should be doing that but my darned heart doesn't want to listen to me. Just when I was about to look for my phone, I heard Violet waking up.


"Violet, it's me Violet, Lily."

"Li-Lily? What are doing here? Where-where is Felix?"

"He's here, he's just gone downstairs at the club for some urgent matter. He'll be here soon."

I know I was lying to her so brazenly but I do not wish to make her worry about this right now. She frowned at me, probably doubting the credibility of my answer. Before she could ask me anything we both heard the electronic chime of the front door opening. They're here! My heart leapt at the thought of seeing him again because Felix told me that he would bring him along. I had a mind to race outside but decided to act sensible for once.

The door opened but my face fell as only Master Felix came inside the room. There was no one else with him. Why didn't he come back with Master Vincent?

Violet called out as soon as she saw her.

"Where is Master Agosti, Sir?"

"At his home."

"What happened? Why didn't he come back with you? What is wrong?"

"One question at a time Lily and before I answer any of your questions let me take a look at Violet first."

He kissed Violet on the forehead before embracing her in his arms. Violet melted in his embrace right away and I waited patiently for them so that I can ask my trillion questions. Before I could ask anything, Violet decided to interrogate him about this absence.

"Where did you go and what happened? Why is Lily asking for Master Agosti?"

"I'll tell you later, this is not the right time. We all have had a rough night. Why don't we rest and talk about this in the morning."

Before I could think about anything, the 'no' was out of my mouth. Both Violet and Felix looked at me and I dropped my gaze on the floor.

"Please Master Felix, I cannot wait till morning. My mind and heart, both are in a constant state of restlessness from the moment you left. I need to know what happened, please...."

"Will you able to endure what will come after I tell you this?"

"What is going on, will someone tell me please?"

Master Felix looked at Violet and shook his head no
"Violet. Afterwards."

Two words were enough for her to stay quiet and stop prying.

What could be so horrible that I wouldn't be able to bear it?

"I will, please tell me sir."

"Do not blame me after this."

"I wouldn't dare sir."

"Fine. But you are not allowed to ask any questions after I tell you. You are going to sleep here with Violet like a good girl and we'll continue this conversation tomorrow morning if you wish to. Am I clear?"



"Yes Sir."

"Master Vincent got a call from London. His girlfriend has had an accident and she's in hospital. He's going back to London from the earliest flight."

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