2. First day

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Fuckkk!! Why is my head hurting so much?! Oh my fucking god what day is it? What time is it? Why can't I remember anything?! My head is throbbing so much that I feel like it's going to explode. I look at the clock on my dresser, it's seven thirty in the morning. My brain is numb and I feel like I am forgetting something. I look for my phone, it's Monday today and there are five missed calls from Violet.

Then I remember that we went to club last night and I got wasted. That's why my head is spinning, I am having a hangover. We went to club because my training program was starting from tomorrow. Wait a minute, my program was starting from tomorrow which means on Monday and today is..... Fuck!!! Today is Monday! I need to go to the University ! It's seven thirty and I am supposed to be in class by eight!

Fuck fuck fuck!! What am I going to do? How am I supposed to reach there when I am feeling like shit! Calm down Lilian, calm down. I have 30 minutes left, if I speed up I might be able to reach there before the lecture ends. I'll still be late but it's better than not showing up at all. First I need a strong chai for my headache because I will not be able to survive without it.

I put up chai on the stove on low flame and went for a quick shower. My chai will be ready till I am finished with my shower. I didn't even pick my clothes yesterday. How can I be so stupid! I really need to cut down alcohol because I get wasted so fast. I grabbed a sundress and a cardigan to go with it. Tied my hair in a bun, put some sunscreen, applied my lipstick, making it my blush also and I was ready.

Outfit inspo✨


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I drank my chai so fast that I almost burned my mouth. Not only was I late and hungover, now my mouth was also burning. This day gotta be the worst day in my life! I grabbed my back and switched off all the lights before locking the door. It was eight ten right now and the drive to University was hardly 10 minutes so I was going to be 20 minutes late today. I just hope whoever the professor is takes me inside because old people always have too much ego.

I was running like a madman through the university corridors to reach my class. Miss Anderson told me it was the 4rth one in the right wing. I finally reached there but the door was closed. Am I at the wrong door or the lecture hasn't begun yet. There's no chance because it's eight twenty right now. I went a little closer but still couldn't hear anything from the inside. I finally decided to knock and go inside.

"May I come inside?"

"No you may not."

That voice, I have heard that voice somewhere but I can't put a finger on it. My head is so muddled because of the hangover that I am unable to recognise whose voice it is. Where did I hear hear this voice....


Sometimes I wonder if I have too much free time in my life or am I too bored these days. The latter would be true because there was no other reason I said yes when Dr. Carter, the dean of St George's University requested me to be on their training panel. It's been so long since I've last visited Italy. I was 5 when we shifted to London. I used to visit a lot more when my nonna was alive but after her death, I completely stopped coming here.

I have fading memories of my life here but oddly enough it feels like I am home. I got our old home renovated and furnished before I came here and they have done a good job with it. I need to visit nonna's grave after I am done with today's lectures.

The university is pretty big and pleasing to eyes. I went to meet Dr. Carter first and then came to my office. They have designated a nice office to me, it's spacious as well as cozy. I have yet to meet other doctors on the panel but right now I have a class to teach. It's almost 8 so I decide to get up and find the classroom.

The only thing I detest most in my life is tardiness. I do not like when people waste my time as well as theirs so I have pretty much decided to not go easy on students here. Respect time and time will respect you. They are not only grown adults but also going to start their professional careers in few months which means there are no exceptions allowed at all.

I reach the classroom and I can already hear students talking and laughing. I am glad they are on time because once I enter the class, I am not allowing anyone inside. I strode in the classroom with my laptop and reading glasses,. closing the door behind me. The noise in the class suddenly got reduced to murmurs as students acknowledged my presense in the classroom.

"A very good morning to everyone present here. I am Dr. Vincent Agosti and I will be taking your criminal psychology classes for this program. You can call me professor Agosti or Dr. Agosti and nothing else."

I heard some oohs and boos from the girls as well as some boys which instantly stopped as I have them a stern look. Everyone seemed to be a little surprised because I think they expected someone older than me as their professor but I considered 34 as old.

"Let's go over some rules and regulations for the time period we are together. I want three things in my lecture, discipline, diligence and punctuality. If I find anyone talking, sleeping or disturbing my class, I will be cutting down their grades. And if you think that for any reason you are going to be late, might as well not attend my lecture because once I close those doors, I will not be taking anyone inside. Am I clear class?"

A unison "Yes sir" was the answer I got and looking at the students, they seemed obedient enough to follow the rules.

"Great, please introduce yourselves one by one so I can know everyone a little better."

The students started introducing themselves and I tried my best to atleast remember their last names. I was pretty good at remembering people and their names so it wasn't a very big task for me. Everyone seemed enthusiastic about this and I liked it because there's no fun in teaching uninterested students.

I went to write the subject's name of the board as a formality when I heard the door open and a sweet voice reached my ears.

"May I come inside?"

"No you may not."

I turned to see who this sweet voice was and why were they so late to the class. My eyes went wide when I saw who exactly was standing at the door. I thought my eyes were hallucinating for a second because I couldn't believe who it was. It was Lily, the girl I met two years ago......


Author's note:-
Heyy guyss!! I am back with the new chapter for yall! Vote and comment on this chapter because I love reading your comments and it means a lot for me. Thank you for showing so much love to this book also and I hope I'll meet your expectations this time also. If this chapter reaches 300 reads, I'll upload the next chapter right then or you'll have to wait till next week. Bye everyone, stay safe and I love you guys a lot😘❤️✨

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