16*. Bad girl

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I must be loosing my fucking mind because there's no way I spanked Lilian in the classroom. It was stupid of me to do something like this without thinking about the consequences. But I couldn't control myself anymore, the moment I saw her in that top, I lost it. I swear to god I was going to march towards her right then and there but I controlled myself. I was on a thin edge, the whole lecture seeing her talk with that boy.

Jealousy was not something I was familiar with. Till date I have never been jealous of anyone and suddenly I was fuming just because she was talking to somebody else. I must have  seriously lost it. I don't know why it irks me so much when it comes to her. She's getting under my skin so quickly that I am having a hard time controlling myself. But I cannot afford to lose control, not for me but I must control myself for her. She's naive and doesn't understand the consequences of her actions yet. Her career would have been in jeopardy if someone had seen us. I need to talk to her and make her understand how risky this is for her.

I decided to go to the club a little bit earlier. My mind was in turmoil since morning, I hoped talking to Felix about this will get me a solution. I went straight to his office without telling him that I am here which was my first mistake. The second was entering the office without knocking. Because Violet was bound to a chair in her lingerie with a Hitachi wand to her pussy while Felix was doing something on his desk. As soon as I entered, Violet started glaring at me as if I was the reason she was in this state.

"Master Felix, why is your slave here shooting daggers at me as if I have just kicked her puppy?"

"You can ask me directly or are you too blind that you do not see me sitting right here!"

Before I can say anything to reprimand her for the blatant disrespect, Felix had her hair in a vise grip and her nipple between his fingers.

"Is that how you talk to a club master? Or did you think that being the owner's slave, the rules do not apply to you anymore?"
He pulled her hair harder, questioning her.

"I-I don't—

"Apologise to Master Vincent right now."

"But-but he—


"I-I am sorry."
She said to me without even looking at me. Felix pinched her nipple hard until she was crying out loud

"I am sorry what?!"

"I am sorry Master Vincent!"

"Apology not accepted. As much as—

"But I said—

"SILENCE. I am talking to your master and not you. As much as I appreciate your apology, I want her properly punished Master Felix. I'm certain you'll take care of that."

"Don't worry, she's due a lesson anyway. You and Lily both can have a reason to cry now. Lily came by  and told her everything about what happened at the university in the morning. That is why she's behaving like this with you for hurting her best friend."

"As much as I appreciate your concern for your best friend, she had it coming for her stunts this morning. Lilian needs to understand that she's trying to play with the wrong master here. I will not be tolerating her disrespect as well as yours."

She frowned at me, making faces but one look from her master and she got meek like a cat.

"Where is Lilian?"

Violet looked guilty as soon as I mentioned Lilian's name. She looked at her master and shook her head no, as if asking him to not tell me.

"She's upstairs. That brat directly came here after university to complain about you to Violet and now she's refusing to come down because you'll be here."

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