3. Detention

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Have I seen this man before because I sure as hell have heard his voice somewhere. I am just not able to put my finger on it.  When he turned to look at me, I saw  something in his eyes. A look of recognition? Or appreciation maybe but he was very good at concealing it as he changed his expressions the next second. Right now he seemed kind of mad and I knew the reason very well.

"Please get out of my class and meet me after the lecture is over."

"Please sir I know I am late but—

"I do not want to hear any excuses Miss....

"Arora. Lilian Arora."

"Miss Arora, like I said please leave the class and meet me after the class because I do not entertain nor tolerate late comers."

"But I was just 20 minu—

"You are wasting both of our time. You may not value it but I do so please, out of the class right now."

I was so fucking mad right now. I have never seen a more arrogant asshole than him in my entire life. Who does he think he is? Just because he's the professor doesn't mean he can humiliate me in front of the entire class! He thinks I'll be insulted by this but guess what I am a tough fucking bitch, a lil bit humiliation doesn't affect me.

"Fine. But can I stand at the door as I do not wish to miss what you are teaching?"

"If you were so worried about it, you wouldn't be late in the first place but sure, you are free to stand anywhere you want unless and until it's not inside my class."

This fucking asshole!! I swear to god I have never been so irritated at someone as I am right now at this asshole professor. Everyone in the class was looking at me waiting to make fun of my situation including him but if he thinks I might get hurt by his mean words, he had another thing coming for him.

I turned around and stood at the door right outside the classroom glaring at him. I took out my notepad and pen and stood there waiting for him to continue the lecture. I saw him smirking as if he couldn't believe I was actually doing this. Everyone in this class knew how much of a bitch I could be if I wanted to and right now I wanted to be that bitch.

He resumed his writing on the board and continued the lecture. There were probably 30 minutes left for this lecture to get over and I think I am capable of standing for that much time. Even though I couldn't write properly I was determined to stand here and endure this because I didn't wanted to look weak in front of everyone.

I thought he would feel bad for me after some time and allow me in the class. But after standing here for 15 minutes I was sure he didn't have a heart. I wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying, I was planning on how to make his time here a living hell because I was mad as fuck.

After the longest 15 minutes, he stopped his yapping and gave some kind of assignment to the students which I didn't give two shits about. I just wanted this to be over but I knew Ihad to meet him after he dismisies the class. One by one everyone got up as I moved aside and waited for them to leave.

He started typing something in his laptop when I went inside and stood in front of him crossing my hands. He didn't even look up as if I was invisible to him which made me more mad. Finally after a long minute he closed his laptop and looked at me. I would be lying if I denied how deliciously handsome he was but his nasty attitude didn't suit him.

"You can sit now Miss Arora."

"No thanks. I have been standing for quite sometime now so 5 minutes more won't hurt my legs."

"Please sit down Miss Arora."

"Like I sai—


Fuck! What is happening to me?! This voice and the way he speaks reminds me of someone. It's not a request but an order and one which commands absolute obedience. I know these commands very well and looking at him, he also knows what affect it has on others.

I swallowed hard and sat down in the chair kept in front of me. I swear to god I saw a smirk appear on his face as soon as I sat down knowing his command affected me. My heart was racing a lil bit too fast right now and I didn't even know why.

"That wasn't too hard, was it?"

I wanted to show him what wasn't too hard but I calmed myself and nooded at him.

"So Miss Arora, please tell me your full name and roll number so I can put your detention in the records."

"Excuse me what? Wasn't standing there for the past 30 minutes enough of a punishment??"

"I didn't tell you to stand there, you decided to do that on your own. My punishment is detention after class, everyday for two weeks."

Should I punch him in the face? Will it get me in serious trouble? Probably yes but I still want to slap the shit out of his gorgeous face.

"What if I don't show up for the detention?"

"Then forget about getting any marks in my subject Miss Arora."

"Are you threatening me?"

"For the matter of fact, yes I am."

"You can't do that, I-I can report you—"

"Go ahead, you would know the principal's office better than me. I do not care if you complain about me because I am not your usual proffesor who has a job to keep. I am doing your principal and your university a favour by being in this training program so go right ahead and do it."

Fucker!! Even though I know what he's saying is right, I do badly want to crush his ego. At the end of the day he's the proffesor and I am a student who needs these grades so bad. I can't do anything even if I want to buy if he thinks I'll just obey him meekly, he's got another thing coming for him. I will show up for detention but I'll make sure that he'll regret his decision.

"Fine. I accept the punishment and if you are done I am leaving."

And just like that I got up and went for the door without looking at him once. I was about to get out of the door when he called for me.

"One more thing Miss Arora. Please do not be late again.''

This bastard!! I wanna kill him. I am sure he's smiling behind my back!!

Author's note:-
Hey guys how are y'all doing? I am hoping everyone is safe  and reading my books😄. Thank you again for showing this book so much love in just a few days. I hope you are enjoying this story so please comment and tell me as I love to read them. Vote for the chapter and share it with your friends. I'll update the next chapter when this one gets 400 reads, I know y'all can do it. Love you so much and keep supporting me❤️✨

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