4. Surprise

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What the actual fuck am I doing! Bullying a girl because you like her? I agree I didn't bully her literally but I don't think I would have given a two week detention to any other student just for being late. It's just something about her that itches me to tease her, to torment her just like that day. To teach her a lesson for that bratty mouth and careless attitude.

Fuck! I can't forget that night no matter how hard I try and now she's here, in front of me as my student. This cannot get any worse. I don't think she recognises me because my face was covered with a mask. I need to control myself and stay away from her because getting involved with a student may not affect my job here, but will definitely tarnish my reputation which I won't tolerate.

God knows how I am going to do that because looking at her and being in her presence is going to give me blue balls every day. Whenever I look at her, the only thing that flashes into my mind are her needy moans and her pained whimpers.

The thought of being alone with her in the detention room drives me crazy. I seriously need to stop these dirty thoughts or atleast fuck someone to get it out of my system. I know exactly where I can find that someone and it's been too long since I visited Felix's Club.

I need to call him to let him know that I am back in Italy. We first met in London when I had newly joined Club Bliss. It started out as an introduction to the club owners but soon we were all friends. He'll be pissed because I haven't called or texted him in months. I was just so busy with everything that I shut myself away from the world.

The phone rang for a few seconds when I heard his voice.
"Felix Vinci speaking. Who am I talking to?"

"Felix you know exactly who you are talking to. C'mon don't make fun of me now."

"No I genuinely don't know who I am talking to because this number belonged to my dear friend who disappeared from this earth a few months ago."

"Felix! I am sorry okk, I really wanted to call you but I was so busy that I couldn't."

"Stop the cap Vincent, these excuses are getting old. Do you have any idea how many times I've called or texted you in the span on five months. I literally thought something happened to you!"

"I know and I am sorry. You know how work gets these days but guess what? I am in Italy."

"You're kidding me! When did you come back and where are you?"

"Just a few days ago. I am in Milan living in my childhood home. The thing is I accepted a position at St George's University so here I am, back in town."

"That's great man. It's little past lunch right now but we can meet for early dinner if you're free."

"I would have love to but I am still stuck with some paperwork here. I'll visit the club though tonight, I am hoping you'll be there."

"Ofcourse feel free to come whenever you want. You are right on time for the surprise tonight."

"Surprise? What surprise?"

"It's surprise for a reason Vincent."

"You know I don't like them."

"I am sure you'll like this one. Come a lil bit early because you don't want to miss this."

"Fine. I'll be there."

"Great! I'll be waiting for you."

I don't like surprises that much but looking at how excited Felix was, I think it's going to be good. First I need to finish this work and then I'll think about this surprise thingy. I hope after dominating a sweet submissive, my dirty thoughts about Lily will come to an end. If not I don't know what I am going to do.

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