7*. Edged

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There was no way in hell I could withstand that ugly ass clit clamp. No fucking way!! I don't care if he gets mad but I am not allowing him to put that on me.



"I said no?"

"And I said yes. Unless and untill I don't hear red, your 'no' is meaningless here."

Fuck! I knew he would say that! I do not want that clit clamp on me but at the same time I do not want to say my safeword because to me, using safeword means I got scared, it means I give up which I never will.

"So do I hear the safeword or do you agree to suffer for me some more?"

"I do, sir."

"Such a brave little thing , aren't you? But that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you because this is a vibrating clamp and you do not have the permission to come sugar."

That's when I saw him removing the remote from his pocket. Fuck him and his vibrating clamp. I knew he was deliberately trying to make me fail. I do not care about this stupid punishment anymore, the moment he puts that's clamp on me, I am going to fucking come!

"And do not even think about coming without my permission because the things I'll do to you will fail in comparison with this. I'll overstimulate you so bad that the only thing coming from your lips will be sorry sir. Am I clear?"

Fuck! How did he know what I was thinking? Is he a mind reader or something? His threats didn't seem idle and I did not wish to suffer anymore so I did what a good girl would do.

"Yes sir."

I noticed that little smirk on his face. I know he was enjoying this too much and I swear to god I would have slapped him if my hands weren't bound. I know I am exaggerating it but still why is he enjoying my sufferings this much. Is he a sadist who gets off on people's pain!!

"I absolutely love seeing you like this sugar. So frustrated, so helpless and so at my mercy. I wish I had a camera with me right now so I could capture your sufferings forever. So you can look at that picture and remember what happens to brats who think they can get away from anything with their cute faces and innocent eyes."

"Does it mean that perhaps you like my cute face and innocent eyes, sir?"

"I absolutely do and I want to corrupt them so bad. You might look innocent but I know that there's a brat hiding behind that cute face who I am dying to play with."

The way my pussy got wet after hearing his words. There's nothing more arousing for a bratty sub than a Dom who wants to plays with her, who appreciates her bratty behaviour. At this point, I would do anything for him. As much as I pretended to hate him, I liked that arrogance of his. It made him hundred times more sexy. He knew the power he had on me and I liked that a lot.

"Now be a good girl for me and get ready for the clit clamp."

Lord have mercy on me and don't let me come because if I do, there's no one saving me from this sadist bastard. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. My pussy was already stretched to the hilt with that dildo and now he was going to put on a clit clamp, no sorry my bad, a vibrating clit clamp!!!

I felt his fingers on my clit, making slow, painful circles on it. I whimpered, trying to rotate my hips to get more of him which only resulted in him pinching my clit so hard that I saw stars. I screamed in pain as tears formed in my eyes.

"You'll get only what I give you and nothing else. Am I clear?"

I nodded my head not able to form words as my clit was still throbbing.

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