21. Addictions

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I don't know what came over me but as soon as those words were out of her mouth, I lost control over my body. I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her towards me, taking her mouth like a hungry predator. I had never kissed someone like this, I always kissed gently, softly coaxing the pleasure but this, this was something totally different. It was hard, rough, demanding, as if I couldn't get enough of her.

She was startled at first by my sudden kiss but melted soon enough and hungrily kissed me back. I had never seen this side of her, I thought I was dominating the kiss but she was fighting me as well. We were both breathless by the time I pulled back from her.

Her lipstick was totally messed up and her eyes were dazed as she looked at me panting. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her again but this time I was gentle, I slowly took her lips and coaxed her tongue out. She was putty in my hands as soon as I deepened the kiss. The only sounds in the room were of us sucking and licking. I pulled back again from her heavenly mouth against my will. We were breathing really hard at this point.

"Do you really want to know why I lied to you?"

She nodded her head still in haze from that kiss but concious enough to answer me.

"Yes I do and I do not care how dreadful it is, I need to know why you did this to me."

I sighed knowing she wasn't going to back up because that's how she is, confident, brave and unafraid of the consequences. And that's what I like about her.

"Someone was trying to blackmail me with a video of ours in the classroom when I spanked you that day."

Lilian looked shocked was an understatement because her eyes were wide as saucers and she genuinely looked scared. This was the exact reason I did not wanted her to know anything.

"Who-who is this someone and how-how?"

"This someone is none of your concern and it will never be. You just need to know that he's been taken care of and he will think twice before doing anything like this again."


"No buts sugar. I will never ever let something harm you and for this if I'll have to make you hate me, I am willing to do it. I've spent the last two days thinking about you every second and how terrible you would have felt when I made up this lie. But if it meant that I would never see this fear in your eyes which I am seeing right now, I was willing to endure your hate. But you being the stubborn person you are, you aren't willing to give up on us, are you? You had to come here and say those things to me because now there is no chance in hell that I am letting you go. Lilian Aurora, listen to me once and for good, you are mine and anyone who tries to hurt you, is going to regret their existence on this Earth even if that's me. Am I making myself clear?"

Her eyes were filled with tears which were threatening to fall down her cheeks as he nodded her head to me.

"I am sorry Vincent, I am sorry for not trusting you enough. I am sorry for jumping to conclusions without knowing you were trying to save me."

"Ohh sugar....

I took her in my arms as she sobbed clinging to me, mentally slapping myself for being the reason she's crying.

"I am sorry sugar, I am sorry for making you go through this. I am sorry that I couldn't stop this from happening in the first place."

"You-you didn't say if you love-love me or not."

I chuckled at her innocent statement out of nowhere wondering if she still had doubts after the long speech I just gave.

"If you think I go around staking claims on people I don't love, you really think very less of me."

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