15*. Punishment

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I was nervous and a little bit scared also. What seemed like a very good idea yesterday, suddenly feels like a mistake. I've never ever wore my slut clothes anywhere except for club and the idea of wearing it to the university makes me nervous as hell. Although there is no particular dress code for the university, appropriate clothing is always appreciated.

_____________________________I looked at myself in the mirror, this might be vulgar for some people but to me, I looked so fucking hot

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I looked at myself in the mirror, this might be vulgar for some people but to me, I looked so fucking hot. No one in their right mind would dare to ignore me today. Master Vincent's eyes are going to pop out when he sees me and I am going to enjoy every second of it. I put on a jacket to avoid any looks on the way. As much as I wanted to to get attention, I only wanted Master Vincent's attention. I reached the university twenty minutes early this time. I didn't wanted to be late and ruin this chance. Luckily there were empty seats in the front row today so I sat on one of those and removed my jacket. I expected to get some weird looks from others but they were blatantly staring at me. Josh came over to sit beside me and I gave him a polite smile.

"You look....beautiful today."

I knew he wanted to say something else but I still appreciated the gesture.

"Thank you—

I was thanking him when I saw Master Vincent entering the class. Our gazes met and his eyes went wide as soon as he saw me. His eyes darkened a little bit and I had the sudden urge to avert my gaze but I didn't. If looks could kill, I would have been dead by now. For a second I thought that he's going to march over here and yell at me but he composed his features and went straight towards the podium.

I smirked knowing that I have put a small dent on his well-composed behaviour. I saw the visible change in his demeanor as soon as he saw me. He is definately going to make me stay after class. I was so proud of myself that I didn't pay any attention to what he was saying. Josh was writting notes and I told him to share them with me. I felt his angry gaze on me many times and all the times, I ignored it like a bitch. What? Was he jealous now that someone else is talking to me. Guess what? I don't care, I am gonna talk with Josh just to rile him up more.

The lecture went by in a haze as I pretended to not pay attention to him. I was whispering to Josh the whole time and knowing Master Vincent, he would have thrown us out of the class long time ago. So I was curious to know why hasn't he done that yet. The lecture finally got over and he dismissed  the class. I waited for everyone to leave and got up with Josh to head out when he called for me.

"Miss Arora, a word please."

I smiled a little inside seeing how my plan was working so well. I had the impulse to ignore his words and go with Josh but I decided against it. I went near his desk and stood in the side, an insolent smirk on my lips.

"Is there a reason why you have been disturbing my class from last three days Miss Arora?"

His scolding tone was enough to make me hot and bothered but when he did that while looking in my eyes, my knees buckled so fast. And yet I gathered my courage and glared at him not breaking the eye contact.

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