Moving Forward (A/N and question)

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Hey y'all! 

First of all, thank you so much for all the love and support you've shown for this story! I'm so flattered that you enjoy this story as much as you all do!

Secondly, I want to keep writing this, however... I've stumbled into a little dilemma. I've been going through the previous chapters and editing them-- ending up in some incredibly major changes. I have a handful of chapters edited, but I'm hesitant to upload them here. Why? Well, most of the chapters are completely different from the original. Sure, the content is basically the same, but the paragraph breaks are different and I've added some things to work in with the ending that I have planned for this story. I don't want to post the updates and have it mess with comments and all that jazz... so, I've got two different ideas on how I want to move forward. 

Option 1- I leave the story how it is here on Wattpad and post the updated chapters on my Ao3 profile. I'd leave this story unfinished here, but I'd finish it over on Ao3. Of course, I'd share a link once I have it posted on Ao3, just so anyone who wants to read it can easily find it!

Option 2- I write an ending here on Wattpad and forego editing the previous chapters. It wouldn't be a very graceful ending-- just something short and sweet to tie up a few loose ends-- but I'd do my best to make it satisfying. Then, after finishing the story, I'd still post the updated version on Ao3. 

I'd love to hear your opinions on what you'd like to happen! I know not everyone uses Ao3, and I also know that there are plenty of people who don't use Wattpad anymore... so I want to have this story on both platforms, especially since this is where I started. Please let me know what y'all think!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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