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Even though you wasted very little time in-between songs, it was impossible to escape the grasp of the inquisitive and persistent aristocrats. Their comments varied from the highest of praise and congratulations on being invited to participate in such an honorable event, to complete strangers approaching you and attempting to make idle chit-chat about the music and your career. For the most part, everyone seemed to understand that you couldn't step away from the music for too long and they respectfully allowed you to leave the conversation at your leisure- but you were sure to be cornered by someone who insisted you stay longer than necessary at some point this evening. 

"They both requested you write music for them? What an incredible opportunity!" The woman across from you is beaming with so much unrestrained happiness, one might think that you weren't total strangers up until a few moments ago. She had caught you as soon as you stepped off the podium and immediately drew you into a conversation. You hadn't even had the opportunity to ask her name.

At this point there was hardly any point in asking her name anymore. It was painfully obvious that she had a question and was just trying to butter you up so you'd give her an answer, but all you wanted to do was turn around and start the next song. "It really is. I'm honored to have been-"

"What is the process of writing such personal music like? Do you get to know your clients before you begin writing the music for them?" 

Internally, you rolled your eyes and groaned at her pointless question. Up until tonight, you had no idea how many foolish women were willing to throw themselves out into the open for the opportunity of spending a few seconds talking to anyone of high rank within the First Order- Kylo and Hux included. Needless to say, there were too many and all of them seemed to think that you held the key that would open the door to the opportunity to talk to either one of them. "Well, it's an incredibly long and boring process, I surely wouldn't want to bore you-"

"Then maybe you could answer a different question for me," This girl was quick. She wasn't going to easily take no for an answer. "How much time did you spend with General Hux and Supreme Leader Ren during the writing process?"

"Enough to learn about what they wanted from the music. Now, I do think it's time I ought to return to-"

"One last question-" Does this woman know how to do anything besides interrupt you and waste your time? Apparently not. "You wouldn't happen to have any advice for me if I were to go and strike up a conversation with either of them, would you?"

It was becoming increasingly difficult to remain professional with this girl. There's a part of you that is dying of laughter because she has no idea how incredibly insufferable Hux is and the other part is dying to see just what she'd be willing to do to get Kylo's attention- thus, a diabolical plan is born. "It might come as a shock, but General Hux absolutely loves gemstones and our Supreme Leader is a huge fan of gardening." 

The grin on the stranger's face grows at an exponential rate, almost becoming comically large. She hastily thanks you before turning around and dashing to find the two men you just mentioned, nearly tripping over her gown in the process. 

It's incredibly difficult to keep yourself from breaking out in a hearty laugh, but you miraculously manage to do so. However, you can't suppress the smile that washes over your face. You bet she'll take your advice and you can't wait to hear about the "crazy woman who didn't shut up about gardening" from Kylo tonight. 

With a new found mirth, you approach the conductors podium, drawing the attention of the orchestra to yourself. After a slight pause, you take your place on the box and flip open the next collection of pages of sheet music- a waltz. Simple. Easy. Beautiful. 

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