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True to your word, you left the next morning on a trip to Iloh. The change in scenery was more than welcome, and you left everything to do with work back on Beztekka- thousands of parsecs away. Originally, you thought the vacation would only make your anxiety worse, but boy were you wrong.

The endless expanse of sand and crystal clear water was beyond beautiful and the fact that you were left undisturbed by everyone else visiting the planet was even better. Having some time solely for yourself was such a blessing, and you accidentally happened across a wonderful idea for some new music. Needless to say, the vacation was pure bliss- but now, you're back home and trying to remain just as optimistic as you were on Iloh.

As you walk into your bedroom and drop your bag onto your bed, you realize that there's a flashing, blue light on your holopad. In an attempt to stay relaxed for just a few more minutes, you unpack all of your things before checking what doom lies within the dreaded communication device.

You finish your unpacking and then decide to investigate why the blue light on the holopad is flashing- which doesn't take long at all. Apparently, while you were away, Kylo had tried to contact you several times. There were several messages where he notifies you that, "It is very unprofessional to ignore a client, let alone a client of such high status," and all sorts of other chastising messages. You think about responding, but you don't want to run the risk of interrupting something important and then getting yelled at for that too... so you choose to wait until later in the evening to respond.

In the meantime, you decide to take the time to go and visit Jax to thank him for inspiring the vacation and tell him about how amazing it was.


After spending a few hours talking off Jax's ears, you finally return home and decide it's time to respond to Kylo about your absence. You sit down at your desk and begin to type out a message,

"Commander Ren,

I'd like to apologize for being out of reach for the past three days. I decided to take an impromptu vacation in an attempt to lessen the stress of my work. I recognize that it is quite unprofessional of me to not notify you, and I apologize for that. I have only just returned today, but if you still wish to contact me about your commission, feel free to do so.

(Y/N) (L/N)"

You send the message and slide the holopad back to the center of the desk. Seeing as how Kylo is a very important person and will most likely not respond right away, you stand from the chair at your desk and head to the kitchen to get something to drink. However, just at you were about to leave your room, the holopad on your desk begins ringing.

You're shocked with how quick Kylo is to respond to you, and you answer the transmission.

Even before you can see the full blue figure of Ren in your room, you can hear him beginning to interrogate you, "Where have you been?"

You roll your eyes, not entirely surprised that he didn't bother wasting his time with reading your message. "I went on a vacation for the last three days."

"Where? Why?"

"I went to Iloh because I needed a break from work, you of all people should know why," You say the end of your response softly to yourself, suddenly reminded of the last conversation you had with Ren... and how poorly it ended.

"Why didn't you bring your holopad with you?"

"Because it's heavily related to work, and I wanted a total break from everything to do with what was causing me stress." Something in Kylo's mannerisms seems... off to you, but you don't know what it is. He's just as curt as normal, if not more, and he's just as emotionally distant.

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