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Canto Bight felt comparatively lifeless during the day than at night, which didn't bother you in the slightest. You were here to deliver the music, take your pay, and leave as quickly as possible. If Jaxen were here, he might try to convince you to go and do something adventurous and exciting, but thankfully he was back on Beztekka and he couldn't distract you from your task.

But there was something else keeping you from being 100% mentally present in the grand city-- the "conversation" you had with Commander Ren yesterday.

After the initial shock of the moment, you had managed to respond to him with something worded similarly to what you had said to General Hux (although Kylo's original request had been much less formal than the General's, you knew you were in no position to regard him in the same manner). Anxiety overcame you for the rest of the day, wondering if and when Kylo would respond. Nothing happened. You had waited all day and night for a response. Nothing. Instead, you were left with the imaginations that were the product of your anxiety buzzing about your head.

What if he never responds and then I'm forced to write something that I think he'll be pleased with, but he hates it and ruins my career? What if he does respond, but hates what I write for him anyways? What if he has some outrageous request that I can't possibly fulfill? What if he changes his mind? What if my music is so bad that he kills me?

Looking back on your thoughts from last night, you were beginning to realize how ridiculous some of those things were. Kylo Ren might have a short temper, but he wouldn't kill you because of your music... right? He couldn't possibly be that ruthless.

You nearly tripped over the first step in a flight of stairs leading to Taric's club, forcing you to focus on the here and now rather than the ever looming anxiety that begged for your attention.

This client of yours, Taric Ryye, was something-- and that was putting it nicely. To put it bluntly, he was an absolute creep with no regard for rules because, since he was so rich, he could buy himself out of any bad situation. He had commissioned multiple other pieces prior to this one, and he always paid you quite generously. Your interaction with him had been kept to the minimum, save for one other time when he invited you to a performance of an original piece. It was a fine performance, but you were immediately put off by his character. 

No matter where he went or who he interacted with, he was dripping with a facade of false flattery. He told everyone what they wanted to hear in order to get what he wanted from them. Of course, you had experienced this flattery of his, but you knew better than to buy into anything he said. However, his request for an in-person delivery had put you on edge. There was always the possibility that he was just attempting to appear hospitable, but you knew better than to believe that. He wanted something from you... but what?

"Is that the beautiful (Y/N) (L/N) that I see?" The all too cocky voice of Taric met your ears. 

You brought your gaze up from the ground and forced a smile onto your face, "Good morning, Taric. I've got your sheet music right here," you said while holding up the large folder in your right hand.

"Always quick to the point, aren't we?" He chuckled to himself. "It's such a lovely morning, wouldn't you say?" Taric reached forward and attempted to embrace you in a hug, but you managed to wriggle yourself away from him, forcing him to settle for a professional handshake. "Canto Bight is just lovely in the morning..." He trailed off and wrapped an arm around your shoulders to lead you over to one of the large windows in the room. Despite your unease and to avoid being rude and ruining your hopes of a possible bonus on your pay, you begrudgingly allowed him to do so.

"I guess..." You tried to get on with business so you could leave as quickly as possible. After a moment of looking out over the beige architecture, you sharply turned to face him (removing yourself from his hold in the process) and forced the folder of music into his hands, "Compared to Beztekka, almost everywhere seems to lack a natural beauty... but Canto Bight is definitely a remarkable place." You paused, watching Taric leaf through pages upon pages of instrumentalist and conductor scores. While you knew he was a business man who knew just how to hide his emotions, you couldn't keep yourself from attempting to gauge his minuscule facial expressions.

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now