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"Jax, I need you to stop drooling over the food stands and come carry some stuff for me!" You hollered over the hustle and bustle of the market. 

Over the past few days of constantly working on the new idea for Kylo's piece, you had run out of blank sheet music and ink. You were also in dire need of some fresh food to have at home along with some other necessities of life, so you went to the market and brought Jaxen with you (because he had been pestering you to spend some time with him... like always).

In the past few nights of "Kylo Conversations", he had become less abrasive. He had yet to remove his helmet again, but you didn't mind. You assumed that it must be hard for him to open up to anyone, let alone someone he truly didn't know... but still, you considered him to be... a friend. He wasn't necessarily kind to you, but he enjoyed your music and the two of you occasionally talked about how much both of you were dreading the gala- both for your own reason.

However, you had actually missed his call last night. You had passed out at the piano, which wasn't too uncommon, and when you woke up it was already way past the time that Kylo would be available to talk. So, you just decided that you'd make up for it by being the one to call him later- which would hopefully work well for the both of you.

 As you were standing at the stall that was selling writing supplies, you tried to grab a stack of papers and add them to your load, but you could tell that it wouldn't be possible, at least not with this gargantuan box of food in your hands. "Jaxen! Get over here!" You yell once again, beginning to become frustrated with him. 

"Hey, hey, hey. What's with all the yelling?" Jax asks from over your shoulder, slightly startling you. His standard smirk is spread wide across his face, as he knows he's annoying you- which sometimes seems to be his only goal in life. 

"I'm yelling because you keep getting too distracted and I need your help," You nod your head at the plethora of items in your hands, dangerously close to falling out of your grasp. He takes the hint and grabs the crate of produce that you were holding, freeing you to grab two stacks of lined paper and a container of ink- paying the vendor before you leave. 

"Anything else you need?" Jax asks after scanning through the contents of your purchases. "It looks as though you're preparing to spend months in solitude by how much you're buying today..."

"Nope, nothing else. I've got to get back to work, like always," You led the way to the path that would take you home. Both of you lived a fair ways away from the market center of your "city"- if it can really be called one. You were probably the owner of the most advanced technology in the whole town (aka the holopad that you had been gifted), with the second being an outdated speeder.

The two of you walk for a while in a comfortable silence until Jaxen decided to speak up, "We should take another picnic together soon, (Y/N)." 

You smile, mostly to yourself, "You're right, we should. Maybe this time we can go somewhere other than my backyard," Both of you laugh as you reflect on your last picnic you took not too long ago.


"Thanks again Jax," You set the items that were in your arms down on the counter of the kitchen area of your home and he does the same. "I know I can be bossy and annoying-"

"But that's exactly what I expect from someone who's basically my sibling... even though I already have too many of them." You both laugh as Jax makes his way to the door of your house, "See ya soon, (Y/N)!"

"See ya!"

The door closes and you start putting away the variety of things you had returned with. As soon as the natural silence of the house had returned, you heard buzzing- which you now automatically assumed it to be your holopad. After putting up what was left of the produce, you walk back to your room and- surprise, surprise- there you find your holopad vibrating like crazy.

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