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The distant moon is full tonight and the light that it reflected illuminated the living room. Silver light touched every piece of furniture and seemed to make the grand piano glow in the light of the night. There was the quiet drone of nature coming from outside, but everything inside the house was quiet.

You lay on the lounger, eyes wide open and staring at the ceiling. Hours had passed from when you had decided to try to sleep, but it was obvious that you weren't falling asleep anytime soon. It was extremely abnormal for you to even consider falling asleep at a normal time, let alone actually try. But here you are now, uncomfortable on your own furniture with a head full of swarming thoughts.

So, how is this gala actually going to work? Am I going to be gone from home for a long time? Goodness, there are going to be so many important and powerful people all in one place... Is there really enough time to finish everything and make it just as polished as it really needs to be? I sure hope so, because I need as much time as I can get once the scores are finished...

You turn on your side, deciding to stare at the slightly more interesting wall. The slightly itchy and coarse fabric of the lounger pricked at your skin- specifically your cheek that now rests flush against the material. It only added to your discomfort and you itched to do something else- anything other than sleep. 

Finally, you give in. The small blanket that you had thrown over yourself now gathered at the floor of the lounger. You step over it, heading straight for the moonlit piano. Taking your seat on the piano bench, you already know what song you want to play. 

Clair de Lune.

This song is memorized. It isn't something you wrote. It's quite. You've known it for quite some time now, and playing it has always brought you peace when you needed it most.

It was as if this night was made just for this moment. You were sitting at the piano, eyes closed and totally absorbed in the creation of music. The moonlight that bathed the room now showered you in the soft glow of night. You were numb to the world outside of the piano, and you didn't care one bit.

But this meant that you had forgotten that you weren't alone. 

Kylo Ren had been in a situation similar to the one that you had been in for the past several hours. He was lying in your bed, with soft, new sheets, staring at the ceiling- when suddenly he heard the piano. 

Of course it was you. He could feel you through the force from galaxies away if he wanted to, but he didn't even have to try. Silently, hoping to not disturb you, he crawled out of your bed and sneaked to the threshold between your room and the rest of the house. 

As he peered through the opening, he could see you sitting at the piano. He could see the way you furrowed your brows as the music got more intense and the way you smiled when everything got soft again. He could see the rise and fall of your shoulders every time you moved with the music that you were creating... and he couldn't get enough.

Eventually, as you begin one of the longer runs, you open your eyes and watch where your hands are going- making sure they hit all of the right notes. After they do, you look up from the piano and silently lock eyes with Kylo. Gradually, you slow the song to a stop, all while maintaining eye contact with him. "I forgot I wasn't alone." You give a small, apologetic smile, hoping he would understand. "Did I wake you?"

Kylo leaves his place at the doorway and walks to the side of the piano, resting his forearms on the closed top of the grand piano. He shakes his head and stares through the window, "Not at all. I guess that makes two of us that couldn't sleep, huh?"

You smile, "I guess so..." After a few seconds, you decide to pick up where you left off in the music. You watch your hands intently, as if you're trying to distract yourself from something...

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now