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"Are you sure you can hide back here with me for much longer? You've been missing for a while... don't you think someone is looking for you by now? You should probably go back..."

Kylo shrugs his shoulders and looks out to the crowd before answering, "I can do whatever I want." 

"And you want to hide away behind an orchestra with me? How romantic." You playfully punch his arm and laugh as you see him roll his eyes with a smile on his face. 

After scaring Taric away, Kylo refused to leave your side (partially because he knew he'd track that piece of scum down and kill him on the spot- which wouldn't be the smartest decision to make). You had tried, more than once, to convince him to go back to the line of people waiting to get the chance to talk to him, but he was adamant about staying with you. There were a few generals and entrepreneurs who had spotted him from a distance and made the bold choice to approach. As soon as he realized his position had been compromised, he made the suggestion that you move further behind the musicians- and you did. While it was endearing, you couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for inconveniencing so many people...

"Stop overthinking it. I can do as I please and there's nothing more to it." Kylo effortlessly read your thoughts and brought you back to the moment. "Besides, hiding away with you means that I'm not constantly being hounded to dance with someone."

You chuckle at his reasoning and recall him talking about how Hux was determined to make him dance with someone. Why it was important, neither you nor Kylo could understand, but that hardly mattered. "How have you managed to get this far into the evening without a single dance under your belt?"

"By saying no whenever I'm asked and by being stubborn enough to ask anyone." He leans back against the wall behind him, looking far too casual for someone of his position- it's almost comical (especially in his fancy get-up). 

"Is there anyone you would dance with?"

"There is, but she's been quite preoccupied this evening." There's a playful lilt to his tone and it makes your heart soar. 

This. This is the Kylo Ren that no one else sees. This is the one that inspired so many new feelings and experiences. You wouldn't change this man for the world.

"Hmmm..." You pretend to scan the crowd for whoever he could be talking about, acting as though you don't already know he's talking about you. "Is it that blonde girl that was talking your ear off earlier? She seemed really enthusiastic and eager to get some time with you..."

"I don't remember her." His tone was flat and he seemed to be absolutely serious, even though she had waited in the line to speak with him multiple times this evening. 


"Really." He chuckled at your disbelief. "I've seen the faces of hundreds- if not thousands- of people tonight. I highly doubt I'd be able to recall the face of one insignificant woman."

You give a slight hum of understanding in response. This gala was a very different experience for both of you. Kylo was being overwhelmed with social interaction and probably a heaping helping of stupidity, while you were doing something you love... It was easy to get caught up in the music and lose track of time, but Kylo must feel every second lasting longer than an eternity when he's being forced to do something he so obviously dislikes. 

Being able to disconnect from the crowd was just as necessary for him as it was for yourself.

 At this point, all that was left was to wait for the last piece the orchestra would play on their own. Of course, you had planned it to be a waltz. So, not only was it an obvious signal, warning you that your break was almost over, but it was also the last chance you'd have at dancing with Kylo tonight. 

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now