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The rising sun came all too quickly for your liking. When you finally woke up, Kylo was already gone from the bedroom. It wasn't too late in the morning, but you thought it was safe to assume that he was already awake and working on his ship. 

You roll out of bed and proceed with your normal morning routine- taking a shower, getting dressed- all the normal things. Once ready for the day, you leave your room and look out into the back yard. 

The ship is definitely looking more intact than it was yesterday, so Kylo must have been awake for a while now... which also meant that he didn't get a lot of sleep. After observing the Tie Silencer for a few seconds, Kylo finally emerges from the interior of the ship. Even from a distance you could tell that he was angry. Just the way he held himself gave away his frustration, you didn't even have to look at his face...

Although you knew that Kylo Ren wasn't the monster that he was made out to be in the rumors that spread across the galaxy, you knew that it was smart to stay out of anyone's way when they were angry. You decide to give him a little space and make breakfast for the both of you. 

Once in the kitchen, a shockingly loud crash comes from outside. Immediately, you run to the closest window. From this angle, you can only see smoke rising from the Tie Silencer. Kylo is nowhere to be seen and you have no idea what made that noise. You run out of the kitchen and, once in the living room, you can see that Kylo has his lightsaber ignited and is facing away from the house. 

Cautiously, you open the back door and make your way towards Kylo. In the morning light you could see that he was breathing heavily, shoulders heaving with each breath he took. "Kylo?" You call out, still a few feet away from him. 

He physically winces as he hears his name called. Regret floods his senses as he realizes that he let his emotions get the better of him... like always. As quickly as he could, he changes his demeanor- straightening his posture, calming his breathing, and brushing his hair out of his face. As he does so, he turns to face you. "Yes?" Even though he was able to make his physical stance appear calmer than he actually was, he facial expression and tone of voice betrayed his efforts.

"What was that noise? Are you okay?" You look over his face and the rest of his body, searching for any sign of injury or harm. All you found was a spattering of grease and dust from his work, thankfully.

"I'm fine," He turned away from you and stared at his ship. "The noise was me. The blasted ship won't start and I got angry." As he talks about it, he just gets more frustrated and subconsciously clenches his fists.

His attitude does not go unnoticed by you. You move closer to him and gently pace your hand on his shoulder, hoping to pull his attention away for a minute. "Well, I'm sure it's nothing you can't fix. After all, you have proven yourself to be quite handy when it comes to space craft." You pause for a moment, wondering what would be the best thing to do or say in a situation like this... "I'm going to make us some food," The words are out of your mouth before you could stop them, "Would you like to join me?"

Immediately, he softens. Big, bad, Kylo Ren turns to you once again and you see the very same face that you saw in the moonlight- the face of someone totally different. "Yeah, I'd love that..." Just as he's about to lead you inside, he freezes and looks back at the ship, "Kriffing hell,"

In this moment, you realized that both of you had forgotten about one important variable- the smoke.

"Give me a few minutes," Still facing you, he stars speed walking backwards to the ship, "I'll be right there!"


Breakfast took no time at all to prepare with a second set of hands to help in the kitchen- and Kylo wasn't that bad of a cook. With a little guidance, he was helping with everything that you asked him to do. Sooner than expected, you were both seated at the small dining table and eating. 

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