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Tomorrow is the dreaded day of the gala. 

Tomorrow is the day that you've been working towards for weeks. Just the thought alone makes your anxiety and stress spike. Isn't it funny how you can work on something for such a long time and it could all be ruined by one single moment in time? Well, maybe it's not funny  per-se, but it is a little ironic.

Rehearsals have been going swimmingly. Thanks to the caliber of the musicians that you work with, there were very few issues during rehearsals. They were all very capable, easy to instruct, and most of the time they fixed the smallest of issues without even having to be told to (which made your job very easy). All of the typical "party" music was as close to perfect as it could be and the two main pieces were just in need of a little polishing, which was what today was for. 

Today was the last rehearsal. You would have liked to have one tomorrow morning before the gala, but the only place big enough for the orchestra was the actual venue of the gala and there were some last minute details that needed to be finessed- meaning there would be no other place for you to rehearse all together. Nevertheless, today would have to do. You weren't necessarily worried about the musicians, but you were worried that something unexpected would go wrong...

"Alright, let's move on from this little warm-up and get working on the showcase pieces," You move the small stack of sheet music off your music stand and next to your feet on the conductor's podium. The rustle and crinkle of the musicians turning pages and moving paper fills the room as you grab the folders that contain Kylo and Hux's pieces. You place the two folders on the music stand, putting Kylo's on top. "Let's start with Supreme Leader Ren's."

A few more seconds of turning pages and moving things around, then silence rolls over the room. All eyes were on you as you gazed over the music, looking for any notes that you needed to remind people of. "Remember to pay attention in the slower sections that come up near the end. I don't slow down as much as you might expect, so keep an eye on me. Make sure to keep all of the arpeggios and runs as clean as possible, I won't hesitate to stop us if it sounds messy." You looked up from the music to catch a few nodding heads and even a couple musicians writing some markings down. 

Without a word, you straightened your posture, turned to the beginning of the piece, and raised your baton. The musicians followed your cue and raised their instruments to the ready position. 


We're on a lunch break right now, so I've got a few minutes to talk.

After returning late once, Kylo insisted that you bring your holopad with you to rehearsals so you could message him if you ended up having another late rehearsal. It was a good idea, so you had brought it with you ever since that night. Thankfully, you hadn't had to use it for the intended reason, but you ended up using it quite a bit. 

At first, it was Kylo that messaged you. He wanted to see if you thought that rehearsal was going to go late, you answered no, and from there, a conversation was started. During the little breaks that you gave the musicians, you'd almost always message him and either continue the conversation from earlier or find something else to talk about with him. 

Is everything still on schedule? Hux has already thrown one hissy-fit and I don't think I can handle another.

Yes, still on schedule. Would he have a conundrum if I were to let everyone go home a little earlier tonight? 

It's possible. He seems to have a problem with everything, so he'd find a reason to be upset... Doesn't mean you can't do it though. 

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now