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This was it. 

Once again, you stood before the orchestra and a crowd of thousands. Everyone was waiting for you to give the signal, to begin conducting. You had thought that performing Hux's piece first would make it easier to showcase Kylo's, but it didn't. Everything was just as overwhelming, but there wasn't any time to focus on that. 

Slowly, you raised your hands and you could feel the weight of everyone's gaze landing on you. With one last deep, calming breath, you looked up from the score and glanced over each musician. 

The pause.

The silence.

The breath.

The beginning.

The full attention of the orchestra was pinned on you as you conducted the first four notes of the symphony, building to the tempo of the main theme. The strings flawlessly executed their individual parts, creating the perfect lead into the resounding entrance of the rest of the orchestra. 

Gone was the mezzo-forte opening. The wall of sound that filled the ballroom was powerful and breathtaking. As the strings fell to the background of the sound, the brass took over the melody and passed it between their various instruments before it returned to the violins and violas to carry the tune once again. The way each instrument vocalized the theme brought a different perspective to the emotions contained within the music. Even though it was the same pattern of notes being repeated, it felt new and just as dynamic as the first time the theme was played within the ballroom. 

Just as Kylo had requested in the very beginning of the writing process, the music was undoubtedly powerful. The tempestuous temperament of the brass commanded your attention and even the performance of the strings brought an unruly range of emotions. It was powerful and uncontrollable- demonstrated by the unexpected addition of triplets and eighth notes being played simultaneously in the different sections. 

In his very first message concerning what he wanted this piece to convey, Kylo had brought up the three main points of anger, power, and control... but getting to know him revealed so much more that deserved to be immortalized in music. 

While he enjoyed being able to control his surroundings and situations, he was not easily controlled. His anger could be volatile, but then... there was this softer side to him. A side that he only shared with you. A side that enjoyed listening to you play piano for hours and helping you bake sweets in the middle of the night. He was the same man that fought for his beliefs and led hundreds of thousands of people from across the galaxy, so it was only fitting that you wrote something that highlighted all aspects of what makes him him.

The change to the simple melody of the clarinet was exceptional and possibly caught many guests off guard. Considering the fact that this was a piece of music commissioned by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, one of the most ruthless men in the known galaxy, they all would expect something that is continually dark and savage- something that represents the one side of his personality that they've seen. Hearing the soft and humble change was striking. 

It was peaceful, but it was still moving towards something more. The harmonies in the background pulled at the melody to transform into something more. Gradually, more passion- more emotion poured out through the music and into the atmosphere. The strings took the new theme and the brass provided the perfect counter melody. Woodwinds interjected their own line of melody, the total sound diminishing to nearly becoming nonexistent before bringing it back to a fair mezzo-piano. 

This entire piece was composed of memories and emotions. Some were completely expected, the assertive beginning and the periodic repetition of the commanding theme throughout the rest of the music. If anyone in the crowd were to have guessed what music written for Kylo Ren would sound like, they would have imagined something similar to this section of the music. The aggression, the contention, the raw expression of power and confidence- it was the Supreme Leader personified through music. 

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now