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"Okay, explain it again... but less complicated."

Kylo sighs, obviously slightly frustrated with the fact that this is basically the third time he's tried to explain the process of healing by using the force. "Basically, since the force permeates everything that surrounds us, I can meditate- focusing on especially strong, emotional experiences- and I use the memories as a way to access the power and strength to heal myself... Don't make me dumb it down any more or I'll feel like I'm talking to a child." 

You roll your eyes at him, knowing that he sounded serious but was actually being sarcastic about it. "So, could you do it to someone else? Like... if I cut my finger, could you heal it?" You open another cupboard, taking inventory of what needs to be bought. 


"Wow," You had never really known much about the ways of the force, so all of this new information was extremely interesting. "That's really... cool." You knew that you sounded childish, but you didn't mind. The two of you had been casually conversing for quite sometime now and you didn't feel like bringing professionalism back into the conversation.

"I guess." He shrugs, obviously not as impressed with his own ability as you were.

It was already the second day of Kylo being here, and you were getting kind of used to having another person around. Sure, you were sleeping in the lounger that was in the living room, but he had begun to help out around the house. His wounds had been healing remarkably quickly, which had sparked this conversation about force healing. The wound on his head was basically gone and the cut near his hip looked so much better.

The contents of the kitchen had begun to dwindle- which was particularly problematic when you went to cook some food for Kylo and yourself for lunch. You had begun making a list of what you needed to buy and Kylo offered to help- writing down what you called out when you found something was missing.

"Well, do you feel up to going with me to the market today? I really need to get a few things," You say as you finish washing some dishes that the two of you had use earlier after scavenging something for lunch.

From the table behind you in the kitchen, you hear Kylo reply, "Please, I don't think I can stand another moment being alone with you. Also- I need some new clothes." 

You turn to face him and fake being offended by his statement, "You really can't stand me at all? And to think- I was the one who saved your life just two nights ago." You turn back to the dishes and smile to yourself as you continue speaking, "And you need new clothes? Did I not do a good enough job washing and sewing up the clothes you came here in?"

"You're a musician (Y/N), not a seamstress. Of course you did a terrible job." Had someone seen Kylo's face in this moment, they would never have believed the smile that he was wearing- but it was there... and he didn't know what was happening to himself. 

"Oh, shut up." You roll your eyes at him and smile, just as he was.


"I promise, no one is going to recognize you. They've never seen your face."

"Are you sure? Maybe I need my cloak-"

"No. That's just going to make you seem suspicious." You grab Kylo by his forearm, keeping him from turning back to your house. "This is one of the most peaceful farming communities around- just stick to me and no one will even think twice about who you are."

Although he's still worried, Kylo decides to trust you once again and follows you to the market- wearing torn and haphazardly sewn clothes and no mask. He had taken a bath earlier in the day and his hair was still slightly damp- so needless to say, he looked nothing like what people imagined the ruthless Commander of the Knights of Ren to look like.

As the market comes into view, you begin running through your mental check list- change of clothes for Kylo, more first aid supplies, new bed sheets, basic food supplies... and that's about it.

"Actually, you need more hair product- I used the last of it this morning."

"Ah, thank you-" You cut yourself off, pausing to remember that he has the ability to read your thoughts (which made the situation sliiightly less insane). "Wait- you used my-"

"I don't want to talk about it." Kylo begins walking slightly faster, trying to avoid you and the embarrassing question that you were about to ask him. 

Sooner than you know it, you're swallowed up in the midday hustle and bustle of the market. You gesture for Kylo to follow you, and he does. The first aid and food things aren't hard to find, and neither is the hair product that you use. As you're looking around for the other things on your list, you feel Kylo tap your shoulder. You turn to face him and he points in the direction of a vendor who appears to be selling basic home supplies, which would hopefully include bed sheets and some pillows.

Just as you're about to approach the makeshift booth, the all too familiar call of your name resounds over the market.


You knew all too well that this was Jaxen- who else would shout out your name in a large crowd? But now, you suddenly became hyper aware of what you were doing- casually going shopping with a client (who just happens to be Kylo freaking Ren)- and how you could play it off as something totally normal... especially when the person you had to convince was literally your best friend. 

"(Y/N), you didn't tell me you were going to the market today!" As you see his blond head stumble through the crowd, you can't help but laugh at how clumsy he is. When he finally stops in front of you, Jaxen flashes you a quick smile before realizing that you weren't alone, "Hello there! Who might you be, one of (Y/N)'s clients?"

Kylo moves to answer, but you quickly take control of the conversation, "Yes! This is," Quick... think of something convincing! "Collin Freznek, business tycoon from Pyroda. Collin, this is Jaxen Lyre, my closest friend." You gesture between the two, hoping that Jax won't be able to call you out on the total bantha crap that you just pulled out of thin air.

"Nice to meet ya, Collin," He smiles at Kylo, who politely nods in return. "So, what has prompted this unscheduled shopping spree?"

Why do I just so happen to be friends with the galaxy's nosiest person? 

"Well-" Just as you were about to struggle with concocting a convincing lie, Kylo saves you from blowing his cover.

"I wanted to see more of the planet. I came here not only to commission Miss (L/N), but to learn more about her," He was a calm and collected as could possibly be, which made for a very convincing lie. 

"Ah- I understand," Being the proud native of this planet, Jaxen never missed an opportunity to talk about how much he loves the place he calls home. "Although it's a simple planet centered around agriculture, it's beautiful. There's nothing that compares to the beauty and serenity of nature." He has obviously gotten lost in his own train of thought now, but he's quick to return to reality. "Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time here... and I hope (Y/N) doesn't bore you to death with her spiffy piano music."

You playfully slap his arm as he turns to leave, "Bye Jax, see ya soon!"

"See ya around!" And just as suddenly as he appeared, he's gone.

You let out a breath that you hadn't even realized you had been holding. Even though there was literally no way Jaxen could have even guessed that this man was Kylo Ren... it was still nerve wracking. You needed to keep his identity a secret... because that's just how he wanted it. 

"Collin Freznek? Really?" Kylo's obvious distaste for the alias is... well, obvious. He moves past you and finally approaches the booth, searching for what you had come here to buy.

"I had to come up with something on the spot, just be glad it wasn't anything worse." You laugh at yourself and finally continue the shopping- feeling prepared if someone else decides to question who this stranger was with you.

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