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Following the absolutely wonderful conversation with Kylo Ren, you have been a living ball of constant anxiety. Every waking hour (which was basically every hour of the day at this point) was spent sitting in front of the piano, waiting for some sort of musical breakthrough to come to you. You were pretty sure you were beginning to get sick due to all of the stress and lack of sleep, but that didn't stop you from losing your mind over the music.

Even though you may have been neglecting your health, Jaxen had noticed that you'd been missing from the outside world and he took it upon himself to visit you and make sure you were still alive. So, presently, you were seated at the piano with your head resting against the place where the music should have been and Jax was in the kitchen trying to make you some tea.

"Stop trying to coddle me. I'm not sick and I don't need to take a break. I've written absolutely nothing and I think I'm going to die if this sheet music stays blank much longer," you groan, partially trying to convince yourself that you weren't sick. You felt like garbage, but you had to write something- anything- before the next time Kylo contacts you.

"(Y/N), I sear, if you try to get me to stop what I'm doing I'm going to get a ray gun, set it to stun, and make you rest." Jax finally reappears from the kitchen with a mug of tea in his hands. "For the love of all things bright and beautiful in this world, get your ass in bed and sleep. Please. You'll work much better if you take care of yourself and get better now."

"I caaaaan't. This is way too important," you groan, stubbornly staying put. "Just let me suffer, I need to work no matter what."

"Who in the galaxy could be so important that you just have to put their stupid music before your own health?"

You chuckle to yourself. "Trust me, if I thought I was allowed to tell you, I would... either way, you'll know sooner or later. I promise you'll be the first to know who all of this is for."

"Good," You feel his hand on your back. "But you know I'm going to keep harping you to rest until you do, right?" Jax places the tea into your hands and forces you to scoot over on the piano bench. He moves your head to rest on his shoulder instead of on the piano. With one of his hands now free, the one not wrapped around you (obviously), he places it on your forehead and sighs in disappointment. "You're burning up, you idiot. You wouldn't happen to have  any medication to help that, would yo-"

Ring, ring, ring

As soon as you hear the ringtone of the holopad, you physically jerk yourself up right, startling  Jax in the process. You shove the tea back into Jaxen's hands, and run to your bedroom to see who was calling you (even though you already had an idea as to who it was). You plant your heels into the ground, attempting to stop yourself before you hit the desk, but you fail. Your body slams into the desk and you throw your gaze down to see the screen of the holopad displaying the name Kylo Ren.

"Jax, you have to leave!!!" You shout from your room, now panicking about the upcoming conversation.

"What? What's going on (Y/N)?" You could tell that he was moving towards your room, which was the opposite of going to the door to leave. "What is making that ringing? Did you get some sort of fancy communication device?"

"I have to talk to a client!" You looked down at your clothes and cringed. With a speed you didn't previously know you possessed, you searched your closet for something suitable to wear and quickly threw it on. "It is extremely important and I don't think I'm supposed to talk about it to anyone!" You walk out of your closet to find Jaxen standing in the middle of your room, looking towards your desk. "Please leave," After walking towards him, you grab him by his arm and begin pulling him to the front door.

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now