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You stood in front of the large orchestra yet once again. The baton in your right hand made you feel as though you wielded some sort of power over everyone, not only the instrumentalists sitting in front of you. As silence surrounded the ballroom and anticipation gnawed at the guests, you scanned the sheet music one last time, praying that the piece would be the perfect way to start the evening.

The pause.

The silence.

The breath.

The beginning.

With an insurmountable amount of grace, you conducted the powerful, yet quiet, music. All of the instruments had been tuned properly and it was falling into place perfectly. You had come to impress tonight, and everyone could tell. Why? Well, we'll get to that in a moment.

From the corner of your eye, you could see guests gradually beginning to dance with a partner. A small smile of satisfaction crept its way on to your face, making you even more proud of the music you had recently finished composing.

Your whole life, you'd been musically inclined. It was a gift that you continued to expound upon until you had grown so much that now... now you had been asked by General Armitage Hux, of prestigious rank in the First Order, to showcase your music at one of the largest social events of the year. Of course you accepted. Why else would you be standing where you are now? Why else would you be wearing such an extravagant dress? What other reason could there be for you to actually be nervous about the quality of your music?

Well, there was another reason. In the report given to you at the notification of your willingness to perform, you had been told that not only would General Hux be in attendance, but Commander Ren would also be there. This was the news that really set you on edge. Kylo Ren was know for his short temper, rage, and destruction of anything, or anyone, that he disliked. In order to keep your own head on your shoulders, you knew that you had to make tonight more than impressive. It had to be memorable and perfect in the eyes of everyone, including Commander Ren.

You had labored through many sleepless nights in order to write this music, rehearse with the orchestra, and figure out a proper reaction to anything and everything that could go wrong with tonight. Although you were more than ready, it was still nerve racking.

Everyone in the ballroom was entranced by the allure that the music had. Whispers of gossip worked their way around the room until you were finally able to catch one, "-Even General Hux is dancing-" and that was all you needed to hear. A smile of accomplishment spread wide on your face as you turned your full attention back to the orchestra.

At the end of the piece, applause echoed through the large ballroom. You turned around to face the crowd and bowed. Your eyes scanned the faces of thousands of people, a sense of relief passing over you at the sight of the overwhelmingly positive response. Amidst the people you don't, and would likely never, know, you caught glimpse of a head of ginger hair striding through the crowd towards you. General Hux's expression was permanently burned into your memory. Never before had a look of such pride and happiness been expressed by someone of such a high station because of your music.

"Bravo, bravo." He stood before you, still applauding. Quickly, you stepped off the conductor's box and bowed respectfully to your superior. "Miss (L/N), that was absolutely superb." His comment made pride swell within you.

"Thank you, General," you smiled at the redheaded man standing in front of you. "I'm honored to have been asked to perform tonight." The instrumentalists behind you began a second tune up, signaling you to begin the second piece at any moment. You glanced between the orchestra and the General and gave him an apologetic look before speaking, "I must start the music, it'll only be a second." Quickly, you turned away from Hux and took your place on the raised platform in front of the orchestra.

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now