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"So... have you made a decision?"

It was later that very same day that you told Jaxen about everything. Instead of waiting for Kylo to call you, you decided to call him. He had answered immediately and, after the typical beginning of your nightly conversations, he dared to ask the question that you both knew needed to be answered. 

"I have," There were no second thoughts in your mind. You took Jaxen's advice to heart and you knew exactly what you wanted. "I would love to join you aboard the Finalizer until the date of the gala," A wide smile spread across your face as you saw the worry in Kylo's expression disappear, replaced by a combination of disbelief and happiness.

"You would?" He couldn't believe it. Sure, he had made the offer and hoped that you would accept, but he still couldn't believe that you actually said yes. Slowly but surely, he was starting to admit to himself that there was a reason he wanted to spend so much time around you, why you were the only person he would let himself smile around, why he felt as though he could tell you anything... 

"Yes, so long as there isn't a problem with me asking for some oddly specific accommodations."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it won't be a problem. I'll let the staff know in advance so it will all be ready upon your arrival," in this moment, he didn't care just how eager and excited he sounded. His mind was racing, planning out all of the little details and how to best execute them so that you wouldn't regret leaving your home to join him aboard the Finalizer. 

"Are you sure? I mean, I'm going to ask for a piano to be readily accessible to me and that's a lot ask of anyone-"

"And I'll have it done. Tell me everything you need and I will-" He cuts himself off and sharply turns away from you, his attitude changing in less than a nano-second. "Get. Out."

You couldn't see who had entered his quarters, you couldn't see anything other than Kylo. You were nervous to say anything, knowing that if someone came to him without permission it was either to deliver important news or...

"Supreme Leader," The voice full of resentment and mock respect was unmistakably that of General Armitage Hux. "There is a meeting concerning the recruitment of new troops and their subsequent training presently in progress."

"Good. I'm glad the issue is being dealt with." Kylo's voice was colder than ice. Even though you weren't in the same room as him, you could still feel the tension of the situation seeping into your own home. 

You could tell that Kylo had meant for the conversation to end with his response, but Hux was persistent. "You are expected to be in attendance at this meeting. As Supreme Leader, you must be well informed on all of the decisions that are being made within the First Order-"

"I know what is expected of me, seeing as you have felt it necessary to pester me with this information since the day I took control, but I don't think you quite understand what is expected of you, General," His fists were clenched by his side, trying to hold himself back from knocking the lights out of the redheaded menace. "When you first entered my quarters, I told you to leave. I have no doubt that you heard me, so I'm baffled by why you haven't obeyed a direct order from your Supreme Leader."

You couldn't see Hux's face, but you were sure he was red with anger. Just the thought of him trying to come up with a response to Kylo's comment made you bite back a laugh. 

"Well, pardon my intrusion but I believe that it is important for you to be in this meeting and not having a casual conversation with someone of no importance." He was persistent. You took no offence from his remark about you, knowing that he had no clue who Kylo was talking to only that this person was keeping him from a meeting- and that's when it hit you.

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