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Just as you had planned, you released the orchestra early and reminded them to get a good amount of rest before the big night tomorrow. Everyone, including yourself, was extremely happy to get out of rehearsal early. It took hardly any time for you to pack up your things and start heading towards the designated area where the transporter picked you up every night. It wasn't a long walk and hopefully it wasn't too much of an inconvenience to the crew for you to be arriving early.

Kylo had alluded towards having made plans for tonight, but he didn't give you any hints as to what he had up his sleeve. It probably wasn't anything too grand. There weren't a lot of romantic opportunities aboard the Finalizer, but the little things that you did for each other made all the difference. 

You were rounding the final corner on the path to the transporter, when you looked up to see that a different ship had landed there- a ship you knew all too well. 

The familiar TIE Silencer that occupied the landing space was in much better condition than the last time you had seen it. All of the dents and scratches were completely erased, the more major damage was obviously replaced, and it was all cleaned to perfection. The mere memory of working with Kylo to fix this ship filled you with warmth and brought a smile to your face.

If his ship is here, he can't be far.

Although Kylo was nowhere to be seen, you had a feeling that this had something to do with the surprise he had planned for tonight. Slowly, you approached the ship. It was still slightly warm and buzzing with energy, a sign that it had been running not too long ago. You wandered around the TIE Silencer, keeping an eye out for Kylo while observing the pristine condition of the ship, when you heard someone engaging in a conversation. 

"-know. It's just that General Hux-"

"You've already told me what General Hux has told you. Apparently, you are incapable of listening to what I have to tell you."

While you couldn't place the voice of the first speaker, the second was immediately recognizable as Kylo Ren. They weren't too far from the rear of the ship and Kylo was blocking the other person from view. The voice wasn't modulated by a mask, so that eliminated the possibility of a stormtrooper, and it was feminine-

"Supreme Leader, I understand, but-"

"No, I don't think you understand, Lieutenant," As he continued reprimanding this poor woman, you felt bad for her. She was probably just trying to follow the orders given by General Hux when Kylo came and decided to throw a wrench in her day. "I will be bringing Miss (L/N) back to the Finalizer tonight. I know what you've been told to do and I don't give a damn. I am your Supreme Leader, my orders come before any one else's. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

"Yes, Supreme Leader. My apologies."

"You are dismissed, Lieutenant."

Kylo stood perfectly still, but you could hear the footsteps of the poor Lieutenant retreating into the distance. In the silence of the moment, you debated on whether or not you should approach Kylo or simply wait for him to turn around, but he was quick to beat you to any sort of decision, "You're here."

A frown worked it's way on to your face as you stared at the back of his head in disappointment, "It's a real bummer to know that I could never surprise you, even if I tried my absolute hardest."

He finally turned around and smirked at you, "It's not my fault that you're so noisy." His smirk slowly melted into a smile and he walked towards you. 

"Thankfully, I've found a profession where I get paid to make noise, so I'd say that my noisy-ness has worked out pretty well for me," When he was within arms reach, you let your frown turn into a gentle smile. You knew better than to embrace him here, out in the open, so you had to restrain from reaching out and holding his hand (which was more difficult than you would have thought it to be). "Regardless, you mentioned that you had something planned for this evening?"

Symphony for the Dark (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now