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"That was simply perfect!" Hux had approached you and took both of your hands in his, shaking them passionately. He couldn't stop smiling and, no matter how annoying the man might be, it brought a smile to your face and comfort to your heart to see just how happy he was with the music you had written for him. "I had no doubt that you would be able to create something wonderful, but that far exceeded my expectations. You have my gratitude."

"Thank you for the opportunity to write something for you," You wanted to give in to the complete feeling of pride and relief, but you knew there was still more to come. The concerto might not have had any flaws, but there was still a symphony to perform... and there was still Kylo's speech. 

Up until now, you had been fairly certain that you were simply nervous for your own performances for the evening, but as you saw Kylo making his way towards the stage, you finally realized that you were nervous for him too. He had been dreading tonight just as much as you, if not more. He was doing a magnificent job of keeping himself totally composed and he looked completely confident in himself, despite the anxiety that you were sure he was struggling with internally.

How're you holding up?

You hoped that your thoughts would be able to reach him through the chaos of the applause that continued throughout the ballroom. You knew that you didn't have the ability to truly reach into his mind and communicate as he did, but you had learned that he had a certain ability to pick your voice out of the crowd. 

That was a breathtaking performance.

Thank you, but don't dodge the question, Ren. You're going to do great. I'm sure everyone is going to love hearing from you.

You only say that because you love listening to me.

That's only partially why I say that. You're also the Supreme Leader, and I know people appreciate you putting yourself in public situations where you appear more approachable.

I'm going to make a fool of myself. It doesn't help that I already look ridiculous.

I've already told you that you don't look ridiculous, so I won't bother repeating myself. But, no. You won't "make a fool of yourself." If I can make a living out of waving my hands around like a madman and telling people what to do, you can give this speech and not make a fool of yourself.

You say that as though you don't realize just how beautiful you look up there on the stage while you "wave your hands around like a madman." I could never do what you do.

And I could never do what you do. Now, get up here and knock these aristocrats off their feet.

Throughout the mental conversation with Kylo, Hux had taken the opportunity to comment on the performance and various other topics until Kylo was finally at the side of the stage. Seamlessly, Hux guided his monologue towards handing the time over to Kylo, "I'm sure you are all pleased to have seen our beloved Supreme Leader here with us tonight. With the recent change in command, we thought it would be appropriate for you all to hear directly from Supreme Leader Kylo Ren tonight. He has prepared a statement that he will now share with us," He turned to the side and gave a completely fake smile towards Kylo. "I leave the stage to you." With that, he turned on his heel and exited the stage in the opposite direction of Kylo's entrance.

The entire room was silent as he walked to the center of the stage. His hands were tightly clenched at his side and he was trying his hardest to keep his back straight and his facial expression neutral. To the oblivious onlookers, he would appear just as he always did, but you knew better. You knew he was nervous.

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