Life update, how are you?

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July 2023

Weird to be back here, I miss it.

I appreciate that the small audience I had when writing The Boat Trip and such in 2017 has long since gone and moved along in their lives.

As have I :)

I'm now 21. I have graduated university with a 1st Class Honours Bachelors degree in Cinematic Arts (Film) I won £500 for a short film I made too :)

I lived in Derry, Ireland for the past 3 years and worked as a piano teacher. I am now moving to Australia.

If you've read any of my books I think you'll understand by obsession, not only with characters and stories but also with travelling.

Last year I ventured into solo travelling, this is something I have always loved but have always been to scared to do.

I'm moving to Australia for one year at least this September on my own. I'm petrified. I'm so excited. A whole mix of emotions.

I am trying to become a woman that my younger self would have admired, and I really think I am. I like my fashion, I love my adventures around Europe and that I've been brave enough to move to Australia without anyone else, I love that I drive a jeep and teach piano ....

I just ended a 2 year fwb relationship and sort of regret it because I was in love with him but also it needed done.

I'm lonely.
I hate nightclubs.
I hate that the only way I can get my friends to meet up is through drinking.
I hate myself when I'm drunk and I hate my friends.

**S/H trigger warning just for this paragraph**

I have anxiety and depression- but I'm in a good state atm. Most people know about my anxiety (v obvious), the depression I've hidden.
My grandmother died last October and it got me into a spell of self harm which I did become addicted to. Ik this seems like a very 'teenage emo' thing but I wasn't doing it out of hatred for myself I was doing it to concentrate on physical pain instead of mental pain, and it worked as a temporary relief. I do recognise the dangers of it and I have gone 2 months now without it now. This doesn't seem like a massive achievement but I do still want

October 2023

Well here I am, in a ferry drifting through Sydney harbour. I made it :)

I'm a long long way from the little room where I wrote all these stories but I'll always be there in my mind.

The scars on my arm are still there and I laugh at them while I wander through earth and tick so many things off my bucket list.

10,000 miles away from home, yes, I get so horrendously homesick some days. Im travelling up to Cairns next week, going to sail around the Great Barrier Reef.

So yes, sell your car, sell whatever you have and do whatever you want to do because life it short ❤️ living my very own Boat Trip

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