Changing And Moving On

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Hi guys, I hope you're all doing okay, I just thought that I'd give a little update;

So..  I'm sure you've all heard.. A little darling called Mei came into Stampy and Sqaisheys lives a few weeks ago. I'm so happy for them! Beautiful little dog.

Apart from that I can't really think of anything besides the return of lovely world that you guys wouldn't have heard about.

On a more personal note, for the last month my wattpad account was blocked. I've just been able to retain it today, I'm so glad.
I got my A-Level results a few weeks ago. I was awarded A*A B. Meaning that next week I'm moving out to university in a city I've never been to, to study film.
I have been writing stories on wattpad since I was thirteen or fourteen. Next week I turn nineteen.
Of course, I'm not saying goodbye or anything! I don't think wattpad will ever be something that I say goodbye to. I've had such amazing memories, such amazing and funny people posting comments on stories back in those good old days. The nights 'studying' for my GCSEs writing 3 chapters of The Boat Trip in one evening, the days in biology class and horse riding lessons spent procrastinating over my next plot point. Guys, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I know I rarely post chapters on this account anymore, that I've moved on to writing more OC and older stories on another account, but nothing will ever take away the joy that Stampy, Squid, all these characters that I've made my own, gave to me.
Thank you for those who sent the sweetest messages recently when I was going through a really rough spot in my life earlier this year. I'm happy to say that my mother has just finished chemotherapy and is doing really well.
I wish you all the best of luck today and in your future. Be careful, be safe, be mindful, be kind and be you, absolutely and unapologetically you.
Never let sexist, racist or ageist comments get in your way.
You're amazing, and I believe in you.
Thanks for the memories, read on, write on, and thank you for letting Amy be me.

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