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This fight completely changed my opinions about AshDubh..

Now we all know that all he wanted was one million subscribers- as he keeps on saying. And that he doesn't really enjoy minecraft anymore however his tweet yesterday said-
The minecraft community all tiptoe around each other pretendin to be friends. Never sayin anything to anyone for the sake of their 'image'
This is why I wanted out of it and I got out of it. I'm with the friends that actually mean something to me now and I'm forever thankful.

Now- if that's not stereotyping, what is?

Now BigBStatz2 just reached 1M subscribers- BigB was a 'friend' of Ash and they had several series' together at one point until...

Congrats for 1M but I honestly don't believe in what you did in he last leg to get there.
What kind of a congratulations is that?!  He then describes him as a decent man. Is that all he is to him now? If you guys don't know BigB he is probably the friendliest minecraft youtuber on the planet!! He's just a big friendly teddy bear, impossible to dislike.

Then Martyn Littlewood comes in and says that it was horrible of Ash to say that to BigB and calls him a 'bellend'
Ash then says blocked you for a reason mate and this is why. Way to proove you can't have a civil convo and call people names mate. :)
Lol, how can you have a civil conversation if you can't spell?!

Martyn says you've demonstrated before that you don't understand simple logic, compassion and consequence. It's all excuses and "banter" blame.

This is because Ash and supposedly some of his friends were bullying mini Muka.
Martyn said I'm tired of some of the All Sorts guys indirects. Baiting their audience only to shut them down (drink pics or asking for feedback)
I've been biting my tongue for 9 months since I last had to put them straight about bullying mini and trying to pass it as 'banter'.
Well well well... What can I say? I'm just glad he said 'some of the AllSorts guys.' But then I came to wonder- who does he like from that crew of Tom, AmyLee, Nicole, Squid, Ash, James and Speedy.
Well, after looking through who he followed..
He only follows James, Speedy and Tom.

So what about AmyLee? They went on trips together- though I admit she has changed vastly throughout the last couple months and I'm not 100% I like it.
Ash- well that's obvious he blocked Martyn for goodness sake.
But Squid?! What! They had a series together- they were great friends.. But, it's about the Mini thing.. You see Squid didn't know who he was apparently. About nine or ten months ago James and Squid were tweeting eachother and Mini liked one of James' tweets, James pointed it out as a joke and squid responded with 'who the hells Mini Muka?' But mini had been to his house as he was a good friend of Tom's, maybe Squid just didn't know- anyway everyone loves Speedy and James is good friends with Mini and Tom.

Then Martyn tweeted about saying that he was done for the night.

-and guess who liked that tweet? Mr Stampy Cat of course. So now we know who's side he's on. But.. Stampy also liked one of James' tweets about the whole indirect thing.
Are AllSorts splitting?

James tweeted I can not tell who is my friend, I need distance between me and them.
Speedy posted a picture of him and James together and has liked a lot of James' tweets.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING 💔💔💔

I just think that the AllSorts crew are good friends, but James, Speedy and Tom are torn between two groups.

But where is Squid in all of this? He has seemed to completely ignore the situation, is he being professional and not getting involved, or is he being professional because he doesn't want to loose his friends.

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