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So.. What is my favourite story out of the ones I have written?
Honestly, it's the one that is yet to be published.
The first chapter was published today and trust me I have written the whole book in advance and it's by far my favourite.
However I really enjoyed writing 'Happenings' it was based a lot on what I was feeling at a particular time in my life and I love war-time novels and thrillers that's why I loved that FanFic the most, because it made me anxious writing it. I think I read the whole book about two times after I finished reading it. I was just proud I guess. However my book 'The Fight' has a lot more views. I wish 'Happenings' had more, I just like that book a lot more.

What inspired you to write fanfictions?
A boy names Strange_Stories made a MAC fanfic like three years ago and I read it. I honestly don't remember the plot or what it was like, I just remembered reading it a lot. The book was unfinished which annoyed me but now I'm okay with it as I have no idea what the plot was (actually I think it ended with Squid dying or something) but I didn't really think that much of it as I didn't really relate to any of the situations.

Why do you write fanfictions?
Because it's SO FUN!
It's actually the most amazing thing to do. To imagine scenarios and to share your feelings with readers in the form of writing. And to see everyone's reaction it just makes me really happy :) I guess I would write them anyway in notebooks but having an audience gives more satisfaction.

Tell us about the new fanfiction?
It's called "I'll Stand By You"
I originally had a plan for this title but I realised that I couldn't elaborate on the plan so I changed it to a book that I wrote about two years ago but never published on wattpad.
If your heart can take sadness and anger then why don't you give it a read when it's out? Please 0.0

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