Me, My Messed Up Future, and Sqaishey?

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Wait, dear. Wait.

Right. So GCSE results come out this Thursday. I'm playing duck duck goose in my mind except the 'd' is swapped for an 'f'.

I feel like I'm in a bit of a unique situation with receiving results. My brother failed his A-levels last week, so.. I haven't exactly got a high bar to reach, but I don't want to do super well because that would just really annoy him. God.. I don't know. I just hope I pass so I can go back to college next year 😭.

Moving on... I started learning to drive.
I almost called it quits on the first lesson with my brother 😂 I stalled weirdly and nearly crashed into the wall. That's the first time I have had a panic attack in a while! Jesus! Okay! Guys! Don't let me give up on driving! Please just keep reminding me to keep practicing because I really really need to be able to drive and my stupid mind doesn't need to be conflicted with car fear!
Speaking of 'mind' I've got some weird problem and have to go to hospital to get my head scanned. Like wtf is wrong with me 😂 😭

Moving on.
I love music.
I really love music.
I am grade 8 at piano, I adore it, I adore writing music and doing covers.
So... lately I've been getting to like Sqaishey, because she's in a weird place, she's gone pretty crazy, yes, she needs help, but I like her being more real.
I did a cover of her song 'Overview'. And it was awful! I hate singing, I truly despise it. But I just needed to sing for it. And I don't know how to auto tune.
And Sqaishey shouted the damn thing out. Wtf have I done 😂

So anyway. Book stuff.
I'm working a lot on my Esemce account, but here.. Well. Recalibrate is being... recalibrated. I'm working on that book quite a bit. And also I've brought back 'I'll Stand By You'. Because I just thought it had an unsatisfying ending and needed a part three.

Anyway.. I could go to minevention this year. It's situated pretty close to me so.. technically I could go.. but.. it's like my birthday weekend so... mehhh and I have no way of getting there so... mehhhhh I might just walk about and hope to bump into some youtubers 😂

Anyway, I hope you're all well. :)

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