3. The Voice of Eve

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Juan thought that only men were damned in hell but he was mistaken. First, he met Eve and attempted to kiss her hand but was taken aback because a snake coiled around her neck.

Don't touch me Juan, for I was the cause of human suffering. When first I saw Adam, I secretly fell in love with him. He was a perfect being, the darling of God's creative love. But I, who was taken from his side, could not match his perfection.

But unlike Adam, I possess a passion which would destroy his perfection and reduce him to an ordinary being, weak in flesh and prone to temptation. God had warned us never to partake of the fruit from the tree of knowledge, for it would open our eyes to the two-sides of truth—right and wrong. What kept us from knowing right and wrong was our divine innocence—this feeling of perfection, so long as we walk in the path of righteousness.

But God has blessed us with a gift of discernment, to accept the goodness of thing, believing that everything comes from God's wisdom. Between Adam and me, I was the weaker being, relying more on my emotion than on my thinking.

I was easily swayed by sweet promises, and when the viper dangled to me a fruit from the forbidden tree, I grabbed the offer. No sooner had my first bite melted than I developed a strange desire for Adam.

I offered him my love which biblical writers euphemistically called the fruit. Clothed with divine innocence, Adam looked at me and pitied me for my weak passion. He had no choice but to accept my love which was just a mouthful bite. Instantly we were ashamed of our nakedness and the serpent laughed all the way as it slithered back to its dark pit.

God cast us away from paradise and we were forced to live in the wilderness, until our love bore us our first children, each has his own way of pleasing God, each was capable of indulging in wickedness.

My worst punishment after the downfall of Eden was the death of Abel in the hands of his brother Cain, who slew him when God did not appreciate his offerings.

Juan could not help asking Eve the same question he asked before.

Why are you here, Mother? Eve looked at Juan with sympathy and said:

I am the mother of evils that have afflicted man. I was the first to respond to the power of love. When love became a passion, you would do anything to satisfy it, or die craving for it.

Many of the damned women Juan saw in hell were victims of their passion mixed with greed for power and lust for flesh. They had caused sufferings to many men who were powerless to disobey their order, some were put to death after a queen or empress got tired of the lover. Others were high priestesses who encouraged sex orgy during their ritual.

Juan was repealed by their outright wantonness and left the moaning and chanting seductive incantations as damned men responded to their lust. But the devils poured flaming oil on their genitals and whipped them with spiked lashes.

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