23. Turmoil in Pandemonium

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The defeat of the two fallen angels have reached the attention of Lucifer. The master of pride was fuming with rage because a mortal being was able to subdue two immortal fiends and sent them back to the City of the Damned in a jiffy.

You damned infernal suckers, shouted the master devil at his two hirelings. How could a mortal being vanquish immortal spirits like you if you were not damned morons?

Master, Juan's power is awesome. Our evil power cannot match the power of goodness. We tempt the mortal to lie, commit evil deeds, but when they are invested with heavenly power (sorry for invoking our immortal enemy), we are powerless to subdue them.

Don't pontificate, you morons, said the prince of darkness. Since our downfall, we've been reduced to insignificant angels, but our power, if deceptively employed, can outmatch any human being whose power is limited. For your failure, you are chained in the deepest pit of this stinking place and the diabolic dragon will torch your asses for one thousand years.

The two diabolic suckers were retired to the deepest pit while Lucifer pondered on how to deal with Juan.

Beelzebub came out and approached the prince of pride. Send out a more cunning legion. Alert our brothers and use them in our fight. Lucifer was too proud to listen to Beel, but he told Beel that being the prince of gluttony, he should tempt Juan by offering him food, for it was food that was the cause of his death, if not for St Peter who gave him a chance to return. Beelzebub agreed and decided to tempt Juan himself. Better use a woman in exploiting Juan's weakness, not you for he'll easily detect your putrid smell, mocked Lucifer.

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