19. Revelation

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Chua's house has a little orchard garden which the old man had delicately maintained before going to his junk shop. Pomelo, guava, guyabano and even rambutan trees could be found. In the middle of the garden was the serene statue of Buddha in lotus pose, and Chua would burn incense, especially agarwood chips, a very expensive incense, and food offering for bountiful business and peaceful life.

One clear night while Juan was out in the garden, he looked at the eastern sky and saw the confluence of stars. The stars formed into a circle and inside burst a bright light, so blinding that Juan covered his eyes with his right hand. Then he heard a voice, warning him that the devil's legion was out to thwart his plan.

The angel of death would do everything to stop you from realizing your plan. If you walk in the path of righteousness, Juan, I will be with you. You will succeed in your mission.

The voice stopped and the stars followed each other as they scattered in the sky. Juan knew that his mission was a formidable venture, but he was undaunted.

Later his mother called him to their supper. Jun and Nene were seated beside Juan, while their mother occupied the cabeza of the table opposite Juan. He told his mother and siblings to take care of the garden while he was busy at the junk shop.

How's your studies Jun?

It's fine, Kuya. I'm in the Dean's List and hope to graduate at the head of our class. Jun was enrolled in Computer Accountancy.

How about you, Nene? I'm good, Kuya. I've qualified in the elimination for national competition in swimming. The competition will be held in Naga City.

And your scholarship? asked Juan. Great! I'm part of the Honor List. Kuya, where will I enroll next year? Nene asked.

We'll talk about it later. Finish your supper. They were almost done when a car stopped outside the house. Mother, I think it's William the brother of Lin Chiao.

Juan knew why William was paying him a visit, but unlike what he did to Lin, he would give William a chance to state his mind, especially his opposition to his plan.

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