20. The Right Path

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A black Mercedes Benz stopped outside the house. William came out of the rear door after his two bodyguards posted themselves outside the gate.

William, welcome to...

Chua's house, said William. But Juan did not mind the sarcasm.

Please come in, said Juan. William told his bodyguards to stay behind.

This is a fine house, Juan. It was unfortunate that Chua did not go back to China to marry. He was a dedicated businessman, answered Juan. For twenty years while I was working with him, Chua never bothered to attend parties where he could have met a lady befitting his taste. So, what brought you up, William?

Juan could read William's mind, but he allowed William to announce his intention.

You were offered a merge plan by Lin, but you turned him down. Instead you offered a counter plan which he accepted without question. Tell me, Juan, do you think you can stop our tormentors who have victimized the Chinese community since the time of the Spaniards, collected exorbitant tributes from the Chinese and massacred our ancestors once they showed signs of agitation? Now you want to put up a school of, what do you call it, Reformation School. Do you think politicians and drug dealers will patronize your school? How on earth can you stop this century-old exploitation of our people?

Juan looked at William sympathetically and said:

William, don't forget that we have the same racial origin, so I can feel your anguish.

But the past belongs to history. Nobody can change it. We cannot forget the past. We share a common tradition of exploitation. That was the reason why I followed the road to Chua's junkshop. If not for stinking trash, I would not know Chua. But Chua and I were on the same path, the path of righteousness. And Chua's legacy will be enshrined in my school. And like your brother, I'm inviting you to be part of that school.

Then Juan glanced at the two bodyguards. I know your two men. They were possessed by the devil's legion, ready to obey your order. It is not too late for this people. And you, William, will be part of a new order. No more "Pariah". You have proved to all that given the right climate, you will succeed where others have failed.

Yes, we can merge, not just in business, but in our desire to live a happy life where your people and my people live harmoniously and follow the path of yang.

To the last William was surprised for he thought Juan knew nothing about yin and yang.

Support my mission, William, and we will find a new legion, the legion of righteousness.

Your school will fail, Juan. Have you not learned from your great hero? You have the same idea—a school. As if this country does not have enough schools.

Consider my offer, William. We can merge our ideas, our business. Follow the path of yang.

Easy said, answered William. How do you deal with the extortionists? The mafia on the street?

How do you put out fire? retorted Juan. Not with equal fire, but with water. How do you deal with evil? William remained quiet.

Don't you know, William, why the early Christian, despite the persecution, prevailed over their tormentors? They offered themselves freely, meeting anger with love, violence with nonviolence, until the pagans got tired crucifying them, or feeding them to wild beasts.

So, it is your answer to evil? asked William.

Much more than this. If you and I display the resilience which our ancestors have shown, we will accomplish our mission. Think it over, William. The path to the Perfect City is strewn with thorns and thistles, but the path to the City of the Damned is strewn with sweet but highly poisonous flowers.

William looked at his Rolex watch and said. It's late, Juan. We'll deal with our differences later, said William. Thank you, and Juan accompanied William to his car.

It's alright, boys. Juan is part of us.

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