37. The Last Temptation

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As part of his administrative concern of the school, Juan would spend some time visiting every department of the school. One day before he went home, Juan went to the quarters of the victims of white slavery. One of his staff wanted to accompany him, but Juan told her to wait at his office for it won't take him long in his flying visit.

I'll just take a peep at the girls, Juan told her.

Yes, Sir. Just stay away from some of the girls, especially the newly admitted girls for they have been used to entertaining men in their workplace. You know what I mean, Sir.

I understand. Thank you, Jean. And Juan went to the quarters of the girls which was located on the second floor of the school.

On his way to the girls' quarters Juan noticed that a girl whom he thought to be one of the victims of white slavery was waiting for him at the lobby. On closer examination the girl was one of the condemned evil spirits, a lesser spirit sent by Lucifer to tempt Juan.

Who sent you here? Asked Juan. Speak or I shall use my flaming chain and send you back to your infernal abode.

Juan, said the girl, I mean you no harm. I'm just one of the lesser spirits in Lucifer's cursed kingdom. I'm a neophyte ordered to talk to you. Please listen to me.

What do you want?

The devil thought that Juan would listen to her.

Listen, Juan. Lucifer is giving you another chance to accept his offer of brotherhood here on earth. If you take side with us and recognize his leadership here on earth, he will undo the contract that you have signed and offer you eternal reign here on earth. You will be his right hand in his earthly kingdom which you chose when you were in the Perfect City.

And on top of this, you can still pursue your mission of reforming your countrymen who were victims of all sorts of crimes, like prostitution, illegal drugs which have become rampant because of poverty and other social problems, for your government is ran by corrupt officials.

Juan thought of the millions of drug addicts and poor families living in the squatter areas and even on the streets who seemed to have been forgotten by the government. The street children who were out of school and preferred to live on the streets; the country girls who decided to go to the city in search of better life only to end up in prostitution houses, among others.

I know that your heart bleeds for the poor, Juan. But look at your society. Is there social justice for the poor? And the devil brought Juan to the junk site where he used to play and collect scraps and other discarded materials

This is where you came from, Juan. Look at the miserable souls, young and old, men and women, braving the heat and rain just to bring home some food for their families who lived in the abject condition.

Then the devil brought Juan to the village of the rich where the children were happily playing, while the adults were either dancing, drinking, and eating the best food that money can buy, or gambling.

Nothing much has changed, Juan. The rich continue to get rich, while the poor lived in sub-human condition. Neither your government nor your church has done much to save the poor from their misfortune. They are busy in their own old ways: the government feeds the masses with empty promises, while the church is absorbed in religious formalism, burning incense, offering prayers, but he who has empty stomach can't go to heaven, eh, Juan.

Enough, Juan said. And he remembered what Eve had said: their original sin—defying God's order—was the cause of human suffering. He also remembered his last interview with Chua regarding yin yang, which no man can change.

What happened to mankind was not Eve's fault, said the devil. In heaven everybody knows that God's creatures will ultimately defy his order and walk their way. God knows this, but he proceeds to create a being with spirit and body. And your spirit, Juan, can't do anything when your body cries for material satisfaction.

We will provide all the earthly needs man desires. And you Juan will provide the needs of all men, which is what you want. Follow us and you will put an end to human suffering.

No! Begone, evil spirit. For when did your legion sympathize with our suffering? This is our destiny. Everyone of us is given the chance to choose the path of life. But you have played on our weakness and this is the reason why many have fallen into your trap. You have beguiled us, played on our greed until we succumb to our earthly needs.

And the devil left Juan, afraid of his power of righteousness.

Jean heard Juan's loud voice and came running to the second floor together with another staff.

Anything wrong, Sir? asked Jean.

No, Jean. I drive away a stray cat inside the waste bin. Please tell Luis to collect the bins before the cats returned.

Yes, Sir.

I'm sorry, St Peter, Juan muttered.

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