31. Gloom in the Perfect City

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It was Black Friday when Peter heard of Juan's "fall". Gabriel conveyed the news to the Gate Keeper. He was in meditation, recollecting his denial of the Master. He knew this would happen and he had forewarned Juan of the devil's plan.

Shall I fetch Juan and bring him back here? asked Gabriel.

No, not yet. I trust Juan and I know he will wither away this trial. But your brother Michael had just saved Juan from his nightmare. Thank you, Gabriel. Keep me informed of any new development on earth.

Gabriel knew of Juan's mission on earth. Lucifer's minion must not triumph on earth, especially in Juan's country where the fallen spirits were quite active. They must be stopped. Lucifer was celebrating because Beel succeeded in his devil's contract.

Michael appeared and told Peter they were ready to herd back the fallen spirits to their infernal abode.

Thank you, Michael. We must plan this carefully and with blessing from the Master. Remember, unlike before when you drove out the rebel angels, if a second war occurred, many innocent mortals will become collateral damage. We must wait for Juan to settle this.

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