18. The Plan

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Chua received a decent burial according to Chinese ritual. Mourners were hired and both the Chinese and local communities condoled with Juan, now the lawful heir of the deceased's wealth and business. The deceased's clothes were burned together with funeral paper money. Juan was made to wear sackcloth made of white ramie, but because he was not Chinese, he would wear the mourning cloth for six months.

Juan was now the owner and manager of the junk store. This was good news to his family and close friends, but it invited envy and opportunism. Other junk shop owners planned to invite Juan to sell his business or become their partner. So, before the mourning period was over, Lin Chiao visited Juan.

Hello, Juan. Pretty big store you got here.

Thank you, Lin. You know how I came to own the business of Chua.

Yes, I know. You have served him faithfully, you were rewarded. You were lucky and fortunate. We Chinese rewarded loyalty so lavishly. I'm here to offer you a proposal, Juan.

Without bathing his eyes, Juan knew what Lin wanted. You want me to merge with your business, Lin? Lin was surprised.

How did you...

Listen, Lin. When Chua bequeathed his property to me, it was clear in the testament that I and my heirs would be the sole owner of his business and property. He did not tell me to merge with others, nor sell his business even after I told him of my plan.

What is your plan?

I will preserve Chua's business and open a school intended to reform wayward souls and rehabilitate drug users. It will be a foundation school, free for all who want to follow the true path of righteousness. I hope you will help me in my mission, Lin Chiao.

And Juan looked into the eyes of Lin and he could not turn down Juan.

Yes, of course. Anything you say, Juan.

Good, said Juan. You will be the vice chairman of the school council. Please convey my plan to your brother, William. I know that aside from his interest in business, he is interested in reforming our society where many of our countrymen had been victims of kidnapping and extortion.

The Perfect City welcomes the good, but if you embraced yin, the fire of the City of the Damned awaits the fallen souls. Bring the good news of our plan to kindhearted souls like you, Lin. As Lin was leaving the store, he could not understand why he was as meek as a kitten listening to Juan who asked him to support his plan and be the vice chairman of the school and its rehabilitation center.

It simply meant that he would financially support the operation of the school. There seemed to be a little voice telling him to listen and follow Juan. But when he remembered the number of times he parted with his hard-earned money because of muggers and extortionists in the form of protection racket, Lin was convinced of the wisdom of Juan's plan.

Back in their home, Lin told William of Juan's plan. Lin's brother, William was surprised to learn that Lin has agreed to Juan's plan.

Did Juan agree to merge with us?

No, Chua's business will be managed by Juan based on Chua's last wishes. I respect Juan's loyalty to Chua's wishes.

Though William found Juan's plan surprising, the idea of reforming lawless elements was challenging. I will personally visit Juan and discuss his plan, Lin, said William.

Lin did not tell his brother what he felt after Juan looked his eyes. He wanted to warn William that Juan seemed to possess a strange power which made him submissive to his wishes. On the other hand, he found Juan a reasonable and obedient man, and he respected him for remaining faithful to the wishes of Chua, his paisano.

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