26. Mr. Macho

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Immediately after Mr. Macho was shoved to his SUV car by his two thugs,

his breath became normal as if he was feigning illness. He told his bodyguards to drive him home for he wanted to rest. When he reached home, he immediately went to his room.

It was dark inside he did not notice a man sitting at the corner. He was about to turn on the light when the man spoke:

That won't be necessary, Macho.

Who are you? asked Macho, quite surprised of the presence of a man.

You don't need light in your activities, do you? Demanding protection money from businessmen, and if they refused you either burn their store or have them kidnapped and demanded ransom.

How did you know these things? asked Macho.

It's not necessary. What happened to you at the junkshop of Juan could happen again. This time it could be fatal.

What do you want? Simple, answered the man. You will stop your evil activities and support the mission of Juan.

And what is his mission?

To stop people from embracing the force of darkness and follow the path of righteousness. If you can do this, you and your family will be rewarded, if not the City of the Damned awaits you this instant. Are you with me? asked the man.

Macho knew that he had no option but to agree.

Good. You will compensate the family of your victims, rehabilitate the victims of drug crimes, the drug users, the prostitutes, etc. You will likewise convince your fellow extortionists to stop their trade on pain of swift management. Do this and you will be spared. Are you with me?

Macho agreed and the man revealed himself as...

Juan! Is that you?

Yes, I am, answered Juan.


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