25. Extortionists/Protection Racketeers Visited Juan

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Juan's fortune spread like wildfire in the community and this reached the ears of the extortionists and protection racketeers. They were confident that Juan would easily cave-in to their demand.

It was Monday morning, Lito had just opened the junkshop when a brand-new SUV stopped outside the shop. Out came Mr. Macho and his two thugs. Mr. Macho was well-known in the community, especially in the Chinese community for his racket.

The Chinoy could not do anything because even local officials who received certain cut from the collection, enjoyed their silence. Once a certain businessman resisted to pay. In the evening his store suddenly went up in flames. Another restaurant owner was kidnapped and the family was forced to pay 5 million ransom money.

The two scalawags approached Lito.

Is Juan inside yet? Asked one of the thugs.

No, curtly answered Lito. Is he coming? Demanded Mr. Macho.

Of course, he is coming, answered Lito. Then Juan arrived in his pickup truck. Mr. Macho grinned maliciously.

Juan, I'm glad you came. Juan looked at Mr. Macho and suddenly he could not breathe. He was grasping his neck, his tongue sticking out on one side of his mouth. He was turning black as his two men approached him.

Bring him to the hospital, said Juan. He seems to have seizure or something. Hurry! Shouted Juan.

The two thugs carried their boss to the car and sped out. Juan and Lito could not help laughing.

See what happened to damned people?

They will not stop until they have forced us to surrender to them, said Lito.

If we bow to their evil design, then we will be damned like them. In the struggle between night and day, darkness has not stopped heaven from sending out the moon and the stars which give off light and become the guide of travelers. The lord of darkness will never triumph over the Lord of Righteousness, said Juan confidently.

Now we have a long way to go. The streets are filled with wayward souls corrupted by the damned spirits. Saving them from the fire of hell is our mission, Lito.

Soon dealers of junk were arriving by droves and Lito would have his hands full attending to their needs. Lito was assisted by two girls, a cahier and a bookkeeper whom Juan had hired after he took over the management of the store. Chua had no cashier for he personally ran the counter. Lito, take care of the store. I'll visit Mr. Macho.

Lito was surprised but he trusted his friend.

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