Prologue/Chapter 1: News of the Weird

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"Does this water taste a little funny to you?"

Chugs water......"Nah."

The Incident
Wednesday, January 8

It was known as the Shussei-Ryoku Incident that changed the way people viewed the stereotypical roles gender played into society. Sure, there were outliers of people who believed gender stereotypes were complete horse shit, but a majority believed males and females at least had a certain role to play due to what was between their legs. Man works to provide for his family, while the woman helps rearing children.

But this society was already shaken up before by the emergence of quirks. Superhuman traits gave way to spectacular powers of levitation, strength, or a variety of abilities as well as mutation of body parts of different skin color, additional limbs, or lack of limbs. Quirks really did just throw human and animal DNA into a blender and voilà—a new era of what was normal came forth. It also changed human DNA enough to where it was difficult to reproduce, which is where many companies popped up to fulfill the need for cute, chubby babies.

Shussei-Ryoku was one of these pharmaceutical companies that worked with scientists to create a fertility treatment to help boost Japan's declining population. They managed to find some clueless, gullible person with a hyper-fertility quirk and convince the poor soul that what he/she was doing was saving Japan from collapse, and helping millions of childless couples have children. Said person was paid handsomely for their rights to his/her DNA and never to be heard from again. Various human and animal DNA were also taken from unorthodox places and combined.

In the beginning, Shussei-Ryoku had well-intentions to help families; however, as the company grew, so did their unethical practices. Perhaps it was faulty training or lack of environmental concerns that caused the chemical for hyper-fertility to spill into the drainage systems which then seeped into the water system. People were bathing in it, drinking it, playing in it. The hyper-fertility chemical, also known as Abo-2gen (pronounced ah-bō-tū-gen according to media) mostly affected those with hormonal imbalance during puberty or who were taking estrogen/testosterone to better help with fertility treatments.

Abo-2gen had already reached nearly everywhere in Japan before scientists found out what had happened. As typical of a large pharmaceutical company, they covered up the incident hoping no one would notice anything unusual save a slight uptick in pregnancy. Of course, nothing ever goes as planned. The Abo-2gen drug mutated.

It began affecting males and females in strange ways. It mattered not if one was male or female—each came with a new set of genitalia that wasn't there before. Then there was the behavior characteristic. Males or females suddenly became hyper-aggressive and ended up getting their partners pregnant. Others were more subtle than their aggressive counterparts. These males or females were more empathetic and introverted and ended up getting pregnant by their partners. Senses were heightened such as smelling scents on people, the sensitivity of touch, taste, sight, and hearing. Surprisingly, a majority were not affected as drastically as having a second gender, but still had sharp senses.

It was too late by then to reverse the side-effects. All Shussei-Ryoku could do was pray to God that nobody would be the wiser. Again, nothing ever goes as planned. A whistleblower notified several pro heroes about the incident and an investigation began, which then got several local reporters sniffing for a good story.

Chapter 1
News of the Weird
Thursday, March 27

Katsuki Bakugou was running through a dense pine forest somewhere unknown. It was dark and cold, and he was shivering. His quirk didn't work in this place for whatever reason. Fallen trees and thick bushes blocked his way. "Fuck," Katsuki thought, as he was huffing, jumping over a small cliff nearly tripping on landing. He was running towards something, he believed. Or was he being chased? It was never clear to him. All that he knew was that he was running out of time. A cold dread was creeping into his soul. Something somewhere in this shitty forest had answers for him, and he needed to find out now before he goes mad. Well, more mad than usual. Suddenly, he slipped on a patch of mud and leaves slammed into the ground...

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