Chapter 21: The Hecatonchires

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Friday, April 25

It was the harsh sounds of the wake-up alarms that woke Izuku up from a fitful sleep—the tossing and turning, sobbing and yelling, pain and numbness that kept him from enjoying the nothingness in between moments of living.  The fluorescent lights lit up the stark white room, surprisingly clean after the multiple assaults yesterday.  The guards of Tartarus, or the Hecatonchires, as he like to call them (Snipe would be so proud Izuku remembered the mythological creatures from History class), would stand behind the one-way window, always observing, never interrupting, and watch the alphas rape him one by one.  Afterwards, they come in to take away the alpha prisoner and wipe down the mess after every encounter, leaving Izuku a soaking, sobbing mess under the shower. 

The solemn healears would come in, guarded by the Hecatonchires, looking at him with such pity as they healed his broken body.  Izuku begged, he cried, he pleaded for their help every time they entered the room.  It fell on deaf ears.  The healers were forbidden by the guards from communicating with the boy.  These so-called guardians of Tartarus, the mythical Hecatonchires with one-hundred hands, not one of them reached out to save him from his cruel fate.

But Izuku did not give up hope.  He needed to survive for his mother's sake so she wouldn't cry over his death.  He needed to survive for All Might's sake so One For All wouldn't vanish from the world.  He needed to survive to see his friends become pro heroes.  And he needed to survive for Katsuki, for the promise they made as children that they'll be heroes together.  If not for himself, then for those Izuku loved.

He sat up wincing.  The healers within Tartarus worked wonders fixing Izuku, but their quirk couldn't compare to Recovery Girl's quirk.  He still had bruises, small cuts, and sore muscles, but the more severe injuries were quickly healed.  Without them, Izuku would have surely bled to death.  Izuku hobbled towards the shower where the restraint cords were once tied.  The shower itself was just a small shower head embedded in the ceiling and a small drain below.  There were no privacy curtains.  Nothing was considered private in the room. 

Cold water fell down like a waterfall.  It felt good, washing away the leftover scum on his skin.  A small soap was placed in a small indent of the wall by the shower.  It was his only reward for servicing alphas.  That and a lump of questionable blob of oatmeal on the metallic table—his only food that night.  Izuku promptly tossed the food down the toilet bowl and flushed it.  He'd rather starve than sell his body for shitty food.

He tried cleaning underneath the collar, wrist, and ankle cuffs as best he could, lathering soap over his aching body.  Izuku tried to gently clean between his legs; his hole was too raw to touch, so he let the cold water flow down between his butt cheeks and hopefully wash away what it could.  Once the shower shut off after two minutes, Izuku placed the soap back on the shelf, limped back to the cot and collapsed.  He was not given a towel to dry off since it was another luxury item he had to earn.

"Subject 02, I see you're up today," Dr. Akito voiced over the intercom.

"Not by choice," Izuku muttered.

"Wonderful.  Today's agenda will be different.  I understand the four alphas were quite harsh with you, only because you had upset Lt. Colonel Hatsugaya, and he demanded they punish you.  It won't be the case today as he is not in Tartarus.  Nope.  Today is a good day for you, Subject 02.  We will draw some blood and semen.  You'll have to service some omegas for the latter.  Luckily, they are of the finest specimen and more than willing to—"


"Uh, excuse me?"

"I said no!  There's only one omega I belong to, and I refuse to touch any other.  So no, I will not 'service' any other omegas.  Nor will I 'service' any one that you throw at me," Izuku clearly stated, crossing his arms and huffing.

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