Chapter 12: Third-Wheeling

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Monday, April 14

The first day of class was finally over for Katsuki. When the final bell rang, he booked it from the last class to head over to the dorms to escape the Bakusquad. He had a feeling they weren't going to leave him alone after the incident with Izuku and Shouto. The class gossips, Kaminari, Hagakure, Mineta, Aoyama, and Ashido, asked the three what the deal was. Each boy remained tight-lipped, which caused the busybodies to go into overdrive and speculate wildly. They even asked Shoji and Jirou for details, if they had used their quirks to hear what was said in the hallway between All Might, Shouto, and Izuku. Unfortunately for the class gossips, the two could not hear over everyone talking too loud on their side of the wall. Curiosity bloomed within Dekusquad and Bakusquad which led to Katsuki high-tailing it back to his dorm room.

"Bakubro! Wait!" yelled Kirishima as he ran after Katsuki.

"Stop following me, Shitty Hair," he hollered back.

"We just wanna talk!" Kaminari was right behind the sturdy redhead, Sero and Ashido right behind him.

"Said leave me alone! I'm busy!"

"With what? We don't even have homework yet!" Kaminari replied.

"Speak for yourself, Dunce Face," the blonde muttered.

"Blasty, we just want to know if you're okay! Please talk to us!" Mina cried.

Katsuki stopped before he entered the elevator and sighed. He turned around seeing his annoying friends looking visibly worried. Damn bastards are persistent. But they care about us, his omega added. "Look, it's something between me, Deku, and Icy Hot. It's a private matter that I don't want to share. Can you all respect that?" Katsuki asked.

Mina Ashido, the alpha of their little group, stepped forward. "Of course, Bakugou. We're concerned, but we wouldn't be part of the Bakusquad if we didn't respect our hot-headed leader's boundaries. Just...if there's anything you need from us, don't hesitate, okay? We love you in a totally platonic way. Don't think you gotta go through whatever is going on alone. Kinda like All Might said, right? Together, we're stronger," she said, smiling kindly.

Katsuki felt something warm in his chest. Either my heart's failing again or these damn omega emotions are making me feel this way. Because they're your pack. Pack protects family. "Thanks, Pinky. Maybe one day I'll talk about it. Just not today." He entered the elevator as the doors opened. "Gonna go now. See you later."

"Okay." "See you, bro." Mina and Kirishima replied.

Sero and Kaminari said goodnight to the explosive blonde as well, then headed back out to the commons area. "Sero, wanna play that new game I was talking about earlier," Kaminari asked Sero.

"Don't we have homework, though?" he replied just as the elevator doors slid shut.

Katsuki sighed. What a shit show this day has been. He finally arrived at his floor. Mineta, Ojiro, and Tokoyami were the only boys on the same floor as him and had yet to arrive, so they couldn't bother Katsuki on his way to the dorm. Luckily, Katsuki got a corner room with extra windows—a perk of being one of the Big Three in the Hero Course. It was soon becoming his safe place to decompress, decorating it the way he liked. Charcoal gray and black curtains from Best Bath & Bedroom (his new favorite place to shop now, though he'll fucking deny it 'til he's blue in the face) draped over large arched windows, with several fluffy pillows and a soft throw blanket covering the bed, and an expensive comforter that felt like sleeping on a cloud. He toed-off his shoes by the genkan, took off his school uniform and placed it in the laundry basket. The omega within him wanted a nice long bath, but Katsuki thought it wasteful and just wanted to shower.

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