Chapter 26: Exchanges

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Wednesday, April 30

Katsuki finally finished his letter to Deku at 3:05 am.  The room was littered with discarded rough drafts that were quickly rejected.  He started so many different times, only to crumble the paper when it didn't express what he wanted to say.  Katsuki wasn't used to writing so personally before.  This was more of Izuku's thing—having the emotional capacity to write his thoughts and feelings freely.  Finally, Katsuki found the words he needed to say in the most unexpected way:


Deku, I'm sorry for not writing sooner.  I started so many letters, and tried to write properly and positive shit, but none of them sounded anything like me.  So I decided to stick with telling my truth because writing about my feelings is the hardest shit for me to do. 

I wish I could say I've been recovering since the aftermath of what happened and that everything is okay, but the truth is I'm not okay.  I also didn't know our classmates were all writing to you which was why I had not written a letter sooner.  That's my fault.  I isolated myself after the hospital and didn't want to talk to anyone.  I ended up neglecting you.  I also majorly fucked up and wanted to tell you this in person, but I don't think it's right to keep this from you any longer.  I cheated on you.  I'm so fucking sorry, and I'm not going to defend what I did.  I am a horrible person and deserve whatever it is I have coming.  You deserve better than me.  I think it's best if we stick to staying as friends, as I am a shit boyfriend.  If, by whatever insane reason, you choose to forgive me, I will, for the rest of my life, try to make up for it.

The truth is that I miss your stupid face and your stupid smile and tried to find it in another person in a moment of weakness, but it wasn't the same.  No one can compare to you, and no one will ever compare to you again.  I'll never fall in love again the way I did for you.  If that's my punishment, then so be it.

—Forever yours,


Katsuki sighed as he read his letter.  How fucked up is it to send him a breakup letter in prison after being boyfriends for less than two weeks?

He suddenly had the urge to rip the letter to shreds, his fingers gripping the edges, ready to tear the flimsy paper that would ruin Katsuki's oldest and closest friendship.  But as awful as these words were, they were the most genuine he had written over several hours.  Katsuki decided to save the letter.  He folded it, sealed the letter in the envelope, and wrote Izuku's name on it.  Katsuki stood up and stretched, then walked out of Shouto's room to head to the main entrance of the house.  He placed the letter on top of the table by the genkan entrance next to Endeavor's keys and wallet, knowing that the pro hero would find it when he left to work.

Katsuki then brushed his teeth and laid down on his futon between Shouto and Shinso.  He finally closed his eyes, tired from the hectic day.

✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹

Katsuki woke up to snoring right by his ear.  He opened his eyes and turned to his left.  Shinso had somehow maneuvered out of his futon and snuggled up to Katsuki.  He then heard mumbling to his right.  Shouto had also wiggled out from underneath his blanket, flopped his arm over Katsuki, and was drooling on his chest.  The alpha and beta were cuddling the omega between them, unaware. 

Katsuki was immediately weirded out.  He pushed a frowning Shouto off of him back onto his own futon, groaning.  Shinso's snoring halted as the omega shifted him in his sleep.

"Get off of me, you bastards!" Katsuki barked, quickly sitting up and throwing off the blanket.

Shinso blinked.  "Hmm?  When did I move over?"  He sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawned.

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