Chapter 24: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

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Monday, April 28

Katsuki woke up at 6:30 in the morning feeling groggy, rubbing his eyes, and yawned. His stomach had finally settled in the night and now grumbling once again. He rather not risk it and ate a small meal of toast bread and drank some water, then did his morning routine of 15 minutes of stretching, slapped scent patches on, and headed outside to start jogging around the campus.

The morning air was fresh, cooling Katsuki's sweating face as he passed two third-year girls from general studies jogging. He made sure to keep a wide berth, not wanting to socialize with anyone. As he passed them, he heard snickering from one of the girls, one of them saying 'That's the guy'. He rolled his eyes. Katsuki was used to being talked about. He didn't care. He just wished they didn't make it so obvious.

Once he finished his jog, Katsuki went back to Izuku's dorm to shower and get ready for class, but there was someone he needed to talk to first. So Katsuki decided to leave early before there was a crowd. He grabbed his school bag and headed towards Principal Nezu's office in the main building.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in!" Principal Nezu said behind the door. "Ah, Bakugou! How are you feeling today? If you need an extra day—"

"No. I'm fine. I need to tell you something," Katsuki said, gripping the strap of his school bag tightly.

"Very well. What is it?"

"My phone. They took it. I need it back. But another one. A burner phone. Deku and I used to communicate through it when we were separated when my main phone was taken away. It had...intimate videos and pictures of Deku and me, and I rather they did not have it," Katsuki admitted, looking everywhere except at Principal Nezu.

"Ah. Yes. The infamous burner phone."

"I-Infamous?!" Katsuki yelped, eyes snapping back at Principal Nezu.

"Endeavor visited Midoriya and informed me that JPSC currently has it locked up as evidence as well as your main phone and Midoriya's phone."

"Wh-What?! They're going to use the burner phone as evidence?!"

"Yes, unfortunately. I have already filed many requests to have the phones returned, but they have denied every single one of them. I do have La Brava trying to search for the items, and Hawks is in Tartarus protecting Midoriya as we speak. They're trying to secure the items as soon as possible."

Katsuki gulped. "Isn't that illegal?"

"Very. But a few people in the JPSC have been working outside the law since the beginning."

"The Alpha Brotherhood cult," Katsuki said.

"You're quick to catch on, Bakugou. Yes, the Brotherhood is behind this mess. We're doing all we can to protect Midoriya and have the case thrown out. If that doesn't work, Hawks will get the evidence that was stolen before the trial. We'll know by today when the case will be. Thankfully, the trial will be private, so no one will know about what's in them."

Katsuki felt dread pool into his gut, sweat beading his face. If it weren't for his scent patches, distressed omega pheromones would have filled the office.

"Do you need to take a seat?"

"No. I need to get to class."

"Very well. Let me know if you have any more questions, Bakugou."

Katsuki rushed out of the office and headed towards the lobby of the building where the elevators were located. The whole walk to class, Katsuki could feel the staring and whispering among the students as he entered the third-year floor.

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