Chapter 28: Harsh Truths

112 4 14

Saturday, May 3 — Sunday, May 4th



Katsuki aimed an explosion towards Shouto who quickly dodged with a flick of his wrist, gliding on the iced slide he created.

Just as Katsuki was about to send another explosion, the PA system crackled on.  "Time's up, Blastard.  Shouto wins this round."

"As fuckin' if!  I want a redo!" Katsuki yelled, shaking his fists to the camera by the speaker overhead.

It was another holiday, but Katsuki wasn't in the mood for celebrating.  The hell would I want to celebrate Constitution Memorial Day anyway? he thought.  The only way he wanted to celebrate at the moment was by exploding shit, and thankfully he was able to do that on a Saturday afternoon. 

When the three woke up, they immediately headed to the apartment complex that the UA staff and teachers lived in and buzzed for Aizawa.  He grumpily let them into his apartment, sat on his couch drinking coffee, and asked why they were already bothering him so early in the morning.

"We wanted to update you on what we found when trying to look deeper into the Shussei-Ryoku case.  It's for Deku's trial," Katsuki replied. 

Aizawa's lone eye widened, briefly looking at Shinso. 

"Eye Bags knows about Deku.  We filled him in since he helped me with the investigation."

"Hmm.  I see," Aizawa murmured, slouching once more.

Katsuki continued, "We believe this whole 'Trial to lock up the Prime Alpha for society's own good' is a fucking sham, and that the Alpha Brotherhood want him out of the picture.  Icy Hot, Eye Bags, and I may have found something."  Katsuki then handed Aizawa the documents from his school bag, who then scanned through them, taking note of the post-it with Giran's info.  "The guy must've been paid off by the Alpha Brotherhood, and we suspect Giran brokered it.  But now, we are at a deadend since Eye Bags here couldn't crack the website.  I told Best Jeanist about what we found, and if he could help us in locating Giran," he explained.

"There's no such thing as 'cracking a website', dumbass.  Giran's website requires a password.  I don't know it; therefore, I can't get in," Shinso spat back.

"I believe I know someone who already has access to the black market website," Aizawa said.  "La Brava may have worked for the NPSC for a few months, but she still has her underground sources.  I'll get in touch with her to look into this...Dr. Koufuu Hirai, and I'll speak with Best Jeanist.  Who else knows?"

"Just Endeavor.  But we haven't talked to him since Tuesday," Shouto added.  "He doesn't know yet about Giran."

"He's too busy preparing for the safety of Midoriya's trial," Aizawa surmised.  "Good job on this, boys.  For now, let the pros handle this."

"What?!" Katsuki barked.  "Are you blocking us out of our own investigation?!  After all we've done to get this far?!"

Aizawa sighed.  He expected this.  "Calm down, Bakugou!  I'm not blocking you.  I'm simply handing it to La Brava who has experience with the dark web.  She will know what to do next.  Plus, you're students and need to focus on training for the Sports Festival, or have you forgotten about that?"

Katsuki slumped.  "No.  Slipped my mind," he said looking down, absentmindedly scratching his right pinky.  Katsuki's middle school self would have been shocked to hear that the Sports Festival took a back burner in his mind.  My priorities sure did fucking change.

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