Chapter 32: The Woe of Bakugou | Part 3

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Thursday, May 8

DAY FOUR of the Trial

Even though Katsuki went to sleep at his usual early bedtime, he woke up feeling like he got hit by a bus then dragged underneath it for several more blocks.  He hauled his tired ass out of bed and attempted to do his morning routine of stretching before jogging, but it was as if all of his energy was drained.  Instead, Katsuki decided to forgo jogging and make a cup of coffee to jumpstart his day.  So what if he added a little bit more sugar into the drink than necessary?  It was crucial in order to log as much practice as he can before the UA Sports Festival tomorrow.

Deku deserves the opportunity to participate.

Katsuki wanted to make sure to win the festival, not just for himself, but for Izuku—to show the world and the Alpha Brotherhood that they won't be cowed easily.  Perhaps it would give Izuku hope during these troubling times.  Katsuki needed to win, which was why he was unsettled at how fatigued his body was, but he refused to admit something was wrong with him.

It's probably because my omega misses his mate.

So he ignored his exhaustion and forced himself to pay attention in class.  It was the last day for turning in all assignments and testing for which he had several.  Katsuki finished editing his essay for Japanese Literature during homeroom and second period, then took his math test in Ectoplasm's class, easily passing.  Next, he retook Thirteen's Science test and passed with a 95%, but was penalized for skipping, receiving a 50%.  Fair.  Then he finished Snipe's History test that focused on pre-quirk politics, passing with flying colors.  Mr. Smiley's Art Appreciation test was a lot harder—his weakest subject; but he managed to turn in an analysis of some old dude who painted three ships riding a great wave using Prussian blue pigment that revolutionized Japanese prints.  Finally, he turned in an English essay as the final exam, translating a synopsis of a popular Japanese horror movie into English, which he was quite proud of.  Once he turned in the paper to Present Mic, Katsuki was finally finished with his core classes.

For Heroics class, Present Mic subbed for Toshinori due to him being at the trial.  He had them train on their own, each capable of knowing what skills they needed to work on.  His last two classes with Aizawa and Mirko were canceled for the day to give all students time to finish assignments and prepare for the sports festival.  That meant Katsuki could squeeze in a few more hours of practice, improving different techniques he developed for the big day tomorrow.  He was ready to destroy the competition.

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Izuku despised everything within the courtroom—the boring wooden paneling, the ugly grayish-blue carpeting with questionable stains, the dull overhead light that seemed to flicker every twelve seconds, the uncomfortable metal chair, the heavy chains that bound him to the platform.  But the one thing he despised the most was Judge Haruma Chou.  That smug, arrogant asshole glared at Izuku with such hate that Izuku was surprised he hadn't spontaneously combusted.  Haruma Chou was the bane of his existence—well, not since One For All and Shigaraki; but he was in third place right now, so that was a huge deal.  The man had sat down on the bench exaggeratingly shuffling files and papers around before proceeding to call the first witness.

A man in a business suit with hair slicked back walked in and sat on the side bench.  Izuku could already guess who that person was.  

"State your name and occupation."

"My name is Hirotani, Aowashi.  I work as a salaryman for Koto Electronics Company."

"Hirotani, can you please tell us how you know this man before you?"

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