Chapter 43: Unravel

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Sunday, May 25 — Monday, May 26

SUNDAY, May 25 — continued

Because Katsuki was stuck in the observation room for three days, he didn't see the need to keep his phone on him. Plus, Tartarus guards were adamant in denying Izuku access to any outside technology while he was a prisoner. Katsuki's time with Izuku was finally over on Sunday evening, so he grabbed his backpack and fished for his phone. He conveniently left it off to save battery, but once the phone home screen popped up, Katsuki was bombarded by text messages in the hundreds, the chime of notifications going off the hook.

"What the fuck?!" Katsuki murmured as he was escorted by guards out of the building and into the garage.

"Uh...All Might?!" one of the guards called out.

"That's Mr. Toshinori to you, gentlemen. I'm here to pick up Young Bakugou," the frail man said, still intimidating as ever.

Katsuki's head whipped back up. "All Might? Why- Why are you picking me up?"

Toshinori had a grim look on his face. "We need to talk...privately...before you go back to school."

Katsuki gulped, then nodded. "Okay."

"Good day, gentlemen," Toshinori curtly said, turning around and placing his arm protectively around Katsuki, leading him back to his car parked nearby.

What's going on? Something must've happened while I was gone, Katsuki thought, but decided to remain silent until they were out of sight and far away from the prison.

Katsuki tossed his bag in the back and sat in the passenger seat, with Toshinori revving the engine, speeding away from Tartarus as fast as possible. He noticed Toshinori was gripping the wheel tightly, his concentration laser-focused ahead. Katsuki was curious to see what he missed on his phone, so he pulled it out and was about to read the messages.

A large hand covered the screen and yanked the phone away. "I recommend you not go through your phone before we have our talk.

"Then tell me right now. What's going on?!"

Toshinori chewed his lip in thought. "When we pass the Bronze Gate. I don't trust Tartarus anymore. They may have eyes following us."

"Fine," Katsuki said sullenly. He then glanced outside the window, watching the suspension cables of the bridge fly by and the waves crash in the turbulent sea.

After five kilometers of awkward silence, Katsuki could see the Bronze Gate of the mainland come into view. Toshinori drove past the landmark and headed down the familiar road that would lead them to UA.

"So~, are you gonna tell me what's going on or—"

"There's a sex tape of you and Young Midoriya, Young Bakugou," Toshinori blurted, his face looking like he was sucking a lemon.

"W- What?! All Might, you better not be fucking—"

"I am not, Young Bakugou," he replied, turning into a parking lot of a large grocery store, parking as far as he could from other vehicles for privacy. Toshinori sighed, handing Katsuki his phone. "Everyone knows Young Midoriya is the Prime Alpha. It's been all over the news since the video leaked."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Katsuki cried, turning on his phone and scanning quickly through the worrying messages his classmates sent him, then switching to social media where the video was posted on the front page. "W- Why are they posting this?! Isn't it illegal to post a sex tape?!"

Toshinori scratched his stubble. "Actually, YouView now owns the rights to it, but you can't view it without a premium subscription. It's categorized as a documentary, so apparently it's considered legal due to it being an educational film. And the 'documentary' only reveals the identity of Young Midoriya since he's the Prime Alpha. Your identity was hidden, thankfully. Unfortunately, everyone knows Young Midoriya got a UA male omega pregnant."

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