Chapter 20: His Solitary Confinement

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Thursday, April 24

Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero were visiting a sleeping Katsuki in his hospital bed during their lunch time.  Other 3-A students visited yesterday and today, leaving flowers, gifts, and get-well cards in his room.  His parents were currently eating at the teachers lounge, reluctantly taking a break from their vigil.  Katsuki's friends reassured them that they would keep him company, should he wake up.  When Mitsuki and Masaru came back, they thanked them for being great friends to their son.  The students said goodbye and soon left for their Hero Course class.

Masaru heard his phone vibrate.  There were several missed texts from work needing their response.  Mitsuki eyed her phone when it chimed for the umpteenth time.  She sighed.  "We have to go back to work.  Fuckin' fashion assistants are useless without us," she grumbled, picking up her phone to read the scrolling text messages. 

They were exempted from the soft lockdown due to visiting their son in the hospital, and the Bakugous' career was very hands-on, requiring constant communication.  Principal Nezu reluctantly relented.

Masaru nodded in agreement.  "I wish we could stay longer, son, but we still have to pay your tuition," Masaru said, chuckling as he held Katsuki's limp hands.  "These wonderful staff will keep you company, and your friends said they'll visit after school.  Please get well.  I promise we can go on a vacation after this.  Maybe we can go to that cabin we went to years ago."

"I hate to leave him alone," Mitsuki said, sniffling.  She gently patted his head, being careful of the bandage wrapped around his head.  "And I doubt he'd want to go vacationing while Izuku's in prison, Masaru."

"Yes, you're right.  He'd never rest until Izuku is freed," he said. 

"Our boy is a tough one," she smiled.  Mitsuki gave Katsuki a peck on his forehead, wiped her tears, then left the hospital room.  Masaru and Mitsuki both talked to the staff on their way out, then left UA campus to work, knowing that the demanding world of fashion needed the Bakugous. 

Katsuki mumbled in his sleep, reaching out for someone's hand.

✹ ✹ ✹ ✹ ✹

Shion was 'technically' supposed to be here.  He mentioned to his friends during lunch that he must've eaten something bad and was going to the UA medical building to get treated.  He just wasn't supposed to be here—in Katsuki's private room.  Shion had told staff he was visiting a friend during lunch, (some random first-year general-ed student who he saw tripped and sprained her ankle) then hovered near a vending machine, acting like a background character, watching Katsuki's parents enter the room while four other students were leaving for class.  His parents left about 10 minutes later, leaving Katsuki all alone.  The alpha was able to slip in the room unnoticed and close the door behind him.  Shion saw his omega sleeping with the EKG machine beeping loudly in the quiet room.

Arrangement of flowers, balloons, presents, and cards decorated the normally plain room.  It would have been kind of sweet, if it didn't make Shion so insanely jealous.  He's my omega.  No one should be courting him but me.

All of it was an offense to his alpha's senses, the pupils in his amber-colored eyes slitted, teeth grinded as the scent of bitter almonds diffused through the air.  The omega in bed whimpered in alarm at the alpha's aggressive pheromones, the EKG beeping faster.

"Shh, shh, my omega.  I didn't mean to disturb you," Shion whispered, letting out calming pheromones as he walked up to Katsuki's bed to caress his cheek.  "Look what that monster did to you.  That fucking bastard raped you, used you like a common whore."  The alpha's fingers trailed from Katsuki's cheeks, down to his neck.  He growled deeply when he slightly pulled the neck bandage down to see the reddened bite of the claim mark.  The smell of the omega's pheromones of sugar, caramel, and milk entered Shion's nostrils, soothing his rage to a low simmer.  His father had mentioned the mating mark yesterday in the phone call, and said it was going to be an uphill battle to separate the two—the mating claim, the biggest obstacle of them all.  His father asserted Shion needed to override the claim by biting over the mark so Katsuki could officially be his under the new law the Brotherhood were pushing to get passed through congress:

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